- groundwater submergence 地下水浸没
- A submergence in Spirit or purification by Spirit. 精神洗礼或精神净化
- Groundwater monitoring and quality assessment. 水文地质学:地下水监控与质量评价。
- First, contaminants volatilize out of groundwater. 首先,污染物从地下水中挥发出来,变成蒸气。
- The water supply of Jiaozuo city is groundwater. 摘要焦作市是以地下水作为供水水源的城市。
- Most emergence or submergence does not remain strictly vertical. 大多数的上升或下降运动并非全然垂直。
- Groundwater levels fall; rivers get drier and drier. 地下水位降低;河流变得越来越干涸。
- Groundwater recharge is an important parameter in hydrogeology. 地下水入渗补给量是重要的水文地质参数。
- Salt deposits could have come from groundwater, not standing water. 含盐沉积物可能是来自地下水而不是死水潭。
- The foundations of the house have been undermined by groundwater. 地下水侵蚀了这座房屋的地基。
- CTD Divers were installed for observation of groundwater dynamic. 在典型区域的钻孔中安装CTD Diver进行地下水的动态观测。
- It is a problem how to exploit and use groundwater in ka rst area. 如何在灰岩地区开发利用好岩溶地下水是一个十分重要的问题。
- As a result, 50 per cent of the groundwater in cities is polluted. 结果,城市50%25的地表水受到污染。
- The groundwater mostly is replenished by river courses. 地下水是由河流提供的。
- Groundwater system is an intricate and stochastic system. 摘要地下水系统是一个复杂的随机系统。
- Once the ice open, groundwater often spewing out of a fountain. 一旦冰层揭开,地下水常常喷涌而出,形成喷泉。
- Taoyuan Coal Mine is the threatened mine by manifold groundwater. 桃园煤矿是一个受多种地下水害威胁的矿井。
- Groundwater may become contaminated without our knowledge. 我们不知道地下水可能已被污染。
- Laws of migration of the groundwater flow in the Anba ore block are defined. 借助计算机技术对矿区地下水等水头线进行了模拟,确定了区内地下水流的运移规律。
- Groundwater is an important affecting factor for vegetation variation. 地下水是影响植被变化的主要因素。