- The best ground bears weeds as well as flowers. 最好的土地有鲜花,也有杂草。
- In order to evaluate the vibration along railway correctly, it is necessary to lucubrate the dynamic response of ground bearing the moving loads of vehicle. 为了正确评价轨道沿线环境的振动,有必要深入研究列车荷载作用下地基土的动力响应。
- The ground bore evidence of some heavy burthen having been dragged along it. 地面上有重物一路拖过的痕迹。
- Usirng the experimental bench devised, Experiment observed that the effects of the bearing vibration on instability of oil film laminar flow. 通过自行设计的实验台,实验观测了轴承振动对油膜层流失稳的影响。
- The paper analyzes the factors affecting bearing vibration and optimiged the parameters of miniature deep groove ball bearing rings and retainers. 分析影响轴承振动的因素,对微型深沟球轴承套圈、保持架进行参数优化设计,介绍闭式轴承结构特点和设计方案。
- For the nonstationarity and spectrum chaos of the bearing vibration signal, threshold denoising based on wavelet decomposition was put forward. 针对轴承振动的非平稳性特点和频谱成分的混杂性,提出了基于小波的信号自适应阈值降噪法。
- For the nonstationarity and spectrum chaos of the bearing vibration signal,threshold de-noising based on wavelet decomposition was put forward. 针对轴承振动的非平稳性特点和频谱成分的混杂性,提出了基于小波的信号自适应阈值降噪法。
- Base on that,the application of wavelet transformation in fault diagnosis to analyse nonstationarity of roller bearing vibration signals with Daubieches wavelet is introduced. 针对轴承振动的非平稳性特点和频谱成分的混杂性,提出了基于小波的信号自适应阈值降噪法。
- B3-3.43/0.981 type back-pressure steam turbine in the power station of Nanyang Factory of Paraffin Fine Chemical has troubles of bearing vibration,thrust disc and journal scratch. 南阳石蜡精细化工厂动力站的B3-3.;43/0
- But the biggest to Ju Jiahuan setting in the condition, the ground bore the weight of we are right all imaginations that occupy the home. 地毯是一个法宝,比较流行的做法是在客厅的茶几下、卧室的床尾部放一块,能轻松营造出舒适而略微奢侈的生活。
- It can be well used for nicety ascertaining the ground bearing capacity by SPT and partial pressuremeter test data and determining the position of supporting course. 为利用标贯试验和部分旁压试验结果能够较为准确地推求地基承载力,确定持力层位置,提供了依据。
- According to ground bearing capacity of the ZhengZhou City zoning, urban construction site in ZhengZhou were classified into good, nether good, medium and inferior. 依据地基承载力对郑州市区的天然土层进行分区,将郑州市区建筑场地划分为良好场地、较好场地、中等场地及较差场地四类。
- This article is based on the theory of soil mechanics by American scientist M.G Beck and derives the ground bearing distribution of vehicles on rubber tracks. G.;贝克的土壤力学理论为依据;推导橡胶履带车辆接地比压的分布。
- B3-3.43/0.981 type back-pressure steam turbine in the power station of Nanyang Factory of Paraffin Fine Chemical has troubles of bearing vibration, thrust disc and journal scratch. 南阳石蜡精细化工厂动力站的B3-3.;43/
- However, due to the high moisture content and low ground bearing capacity, the newly dredger fill is not able to use directly, and has to get foundation treatment. 然而新近吹填土由于含水量高、地震液化、地基承载力低等原因是不能直接使用的,必须进行吹填土的地基处理。
- The fox went to ground under a rocky escarpment. 狐狸钻进了石崖下面的洞里。
- The article is detail descripted a 100MW turbine that the abatement process of the abnormal bearing vibration on the turbine during the first start-up after the unit completed the outage. 详细介绍了一台100MW机组经过大修后机组启动过程中产生振动异常的处理情况。
- Based on these concepts, the KLT was employed to extract the state eigenvector from the bearing vibration signals, then the SVM classifier was established to recognize the fault pattern. 利用上述原理根据轴承振动信号的变化特征,采用K-L变换对其提取状态主特征向量,然后利用建立的支持向量机多故障分类器完成滚动轴承故障模式的识别。
- The ground was covered with ferns. 地面上长满了羊齿植物。