- ground plane plot 水平距离显示
- Ground Plane available on request. 接地面积可根据客户要求调整。
- The ground plane should extend far enough ahead of and behind the model so that no local disturbances are introduced. 地板的大小应超出模型前后足够远,以免引起局部扰动。
- The antenna consists of a rectangular aperture on a PCB ground plane and a T-shaped exciting stub. 此天线由一个矩形槽孔和T型激发端子组成。
- The viewport now shows the cannon with a background sky and a ground plane, as shown in Figure QS.5. 现在的视图显示了以天空为背景的地平面上的火炮,如图QS.;5。
- Reduce power delivery inductance by flooding/fingering on a signal plane over the ground plane. 大意为:用漫覆或嵌入法在信号平面上覆盖以地平面,可以减少电源传输电感。
- Between frames 1 and 60, you keyframe the aircraft's motion so it rises from the ground plane. 在1到60帧之间,你将设置飞机的运动是从地面上升的关键帧。
- Simulation of water pulse forming line switch with prepulse suppression ground plane[J]. 引用该论文 夏明鹤;谢卫平;李洪涛;杨自祥;徐敏.
- Due to the conductive ground plane, the field strength does not only depend on the polarization. 由于传导性的地面飞机,领域力量不只仰赖偏极化。
- Secondly, a ground plane with a defected ground structure (DGS) is demonstrated. 实验的结果将呈现于文章中,以证明新型技术的有效性。
- Each patch antenna element is excited by two slots on the ground plane placed perpendicularly. 阵列天线中的微带天线皆由位于接地面上的两正交槽孔所激发。
- Ground Plane: A conductive plane as a common ground reference in a multilayer PCB for current returns of the circuit elements and shielding. 中的公共接地参照的导电层,用做电流回路和屏蔽。
- The DGS on the ground plane of transmission line is of simple structure and excellent performance and is easy to realize. 在微带线等传输线地平面上蚀刻的 DGS作为一种周期性结构 ,其构造非常简单、性能优越、而且易于设计和实现。
- Carter excavators, bulldozers, loaders, rollers, the ground plane, pure-highway vehicle accessories and maintenance services. 卡特挖掘机,推土机,装载机,压路机,平地机,非公路汽车纯正配件与维修服务。
- A novel approach of adopting a double slit finite ground plane to suppress the electromagnetic cou- pling between two monopole antennas is given. 提出采用具有双缝隙有限接地导电平面,抑制其上两偶极子天线间电磁耦合的新方法。
- The ACSL electrical-waveform generator consists of two striplines coupled through an aperture in their common ground plane. 一个电脉冲整形器由两条通过其公共接地板上的耦合孔径发生耦合作用的带状传输线所组成的四端口装置。
- In this paper, a new one dimentional microstrip PBG filter with triangular variation of the characteristic impendence without etching in the ground plane is reported. 本文给出了一种新的一维微带光子带隙滤波器结构,该滤波器的阻抗按照三角规律变化,克服了通常微带光子带隙滤波器需要在衬底上打洞或接地面腐蚀获得周期结构的缺点。
- Abstract: The configuration and simulation model of water pulse forming line switch with prepulse suppression ground plane (PPS) were introduced in this paper. 摘 要: 介绍了具有预脉冲屏蔽板的水介质脉冲形成开关的结构和等效电路模型,给出模型中等效参数的计算方法。
- The path curve is repositioned above the ground plane in the scene view. The aircraft moves with the path curve because it is attached to the motion path. 在场景视图中,路径曲线向上移离地平面被重新配置。飞机跟着路径曲线一起移动,以为它是附属于移动路径的。
- First a rectangle which covers the projection of the viewing frustum onto the ground plane is calculated.All patches outside that rectangle will surely not be visible. 首先计算一个包含了视见体在地形上的投影的矩形,该矩形外所有缀片为不可见。