- ground flax seeds 亚麻籽(仁)油粕
- Be very careful to shop price when looking for flax seed. 小心地找商店物价亚麻种子。
- Premium quality, unrefined flax seed oil is hexane-free. 素力高的亚麻籽油是质量一流的,冷压提炼和不含乙烷的。
- Bulk flax seed at the local supermarket typically sells for 89 cents per pound. 散装亚麻种子在当地一般超市卖89美分一磅。
- Focus on fish oils from wild salmon, nuts such as walnuts, seeds such as flax seed and olive oil. 注意摄取鱼肝油,吃野生鲑鱼,坚果(如核桃),种子(如亚麻种子和橄榄油)。
- Dresses flax seeds with spore powder of the PGPR bud spore bacillus has not been reported. 摘要亚麻苗(芽)期病害严重,但从未找到既有效又不伤苗的拌种剂。本文首次报道了PGPR菌孢子粉用于亚麻拌种剂。
- In this presentation the recovery of residual oil from flax seed cake after pressing will be used as an example. 本文以压榨后的亚麻籽饼渣为例,阐述对剩余油料的回收。
- If you can't stand the taste of fish, consider fish oil or flax seed oil supplements. 如果你受不了品尝鱼或鱼油考虑亚麻子油补充剂。
- Early resins were made from raw materials such as the oils from Soya Beans, Flax Seeds, China Tung Nuts, Safflower seeds, Cottonseeds, and even Sardines! 早期的树脂产生于原材料,像从大豆中提炼出来的油,亚麻的种子、中国的油桐果、红花种子、棉籽和沙丁鱼。
- Omega-3, also known as Linolenic Acid or ALA, is perhaps the most well known of the EFAs and both Fish oil and flax seed are sources. 欧米茄3,也被称作亚麻酸或丙氨酸,它是人们最熟知的脂肪酸。它源自于鱼油和亚麻籽。
- Sheep Placenta 13000 is formulated with the combination of Ovine Placenta and flax Seed Oil to assist in managing your general well-being. 羊胎盘素13000是由绵羊胎盘及亚麻籽油等成分构成。它帮助您管理日常身体健康。
- Take care of your body, drink lots of water, take glucosamine for the knees, multi vitamins, and flax seed oil every day. (珍惜你们的身体,多喝水,每天要多给你的膝盖补充些葡糖胺,维生素和亚麻籽油。)
- If you want, in the tension and the NET can screen frame owing Lacs or flax seed oil to increase screen frame of finish. 如果需给,在绷网后可以不后在网框上涂上虫漆或亚麻仁油,以补充网框的光洁度。
- Flax seed Before you go to bed, put two spoons of this flax seed which good for your health into your oat, you will get the benefit as your imagination. 亚麻籽只要向你就寝前喝的燕麦粥中撒入2大汤匙这种有益健康的亚麻籽就能起到预想中的效果。它们富含欧米加-3脂肪酸。
- This study mainly focused on two new kinds of stablizations Tamarind Seed Gum and Flax Seed Gum including their compositions properties,and applications. 介绍了新型增稠剂罗望子胶和富兰克胶的组成、性状及在冰淇淋生产中的应用,结果表明罗望子胶可部分或完全替代刺槐豆胶,并能取得较好的膨胀率、口感、抗融性。
- The edible microencapsulation material can be used to protect beta-carotene and fish oils, and may also be used to preserve flax seed oil for the health food industry. 这种可食用的微型胶囊原料可以用来保护胡萝卜素和鱼油,还可以用来保持亚麻籽油,用于健康食品行业。
- Whole or milled flax seed will provide the body with all the benefit of flax seed oil, and with fiber and lignan, which oil supplement could not provide. 全部或碾磨亚麻籽将提供机构,所有的利益,亚麻籽油,并与纤维和木脂素,这油补充不能提供。
- Flax seeds were planted in germination bed with clear sand mixing with sucrose solution of-9.2bar osmotic concentration. According to germination per- centage may be appraised using capability of water to seeds under stress of water. 将亚麻种子播入渗透势为-9.;2巴蔗糖液及净沙配成的发芽床上发芽;可以反映出供试种子在水分逆境条件条件下对水分的利用能力。
- The fox went to ground under a rocky escarpment. 狐狸钻进了石崖下面的洞里。
- The ground was covered with ferns. 地面上长满了羊齿植物。