- One together for a special police FABULOUS! 一起来作一个神勇的特警!
- All administrative organs in the UK are guarded by special police. 英国伦敦的白厅都有特警站岗。
- The existing restriction of power and decision-making system make the parters' strategies be restricted by superior government's preference in the gross roots. 农村基层现有的权力约束关系和由此而来的自上而下的供给决策体系,使参与人的策略受上级政府偏好的约束。
- The special police are to form small “assault squads” to tackle incidents involving violence or terrorism. 而特警可以组成小的“攻击班”处理包含暴力或恐怖主义的事件。
- the gross roots of the community 基层社会
- The mysterious wardens serve as the night elves' special police force in Kalimdor. 神秘的守望者主要服务于卡利姆多大陆的暗夜精灵警备机构。
- The maneuver aims to strengthen special police forces' emergency response and combat capabilities. 此次演习的目的在于提高特种警力的危机反应能力和战斗能力。
- He and another party supporter were injured during a shootout with special police, and one apparently died of his injuries. 在跟特种警察交火时,这个人与另外一名该党的支持者受伤,另外一人显然因为伤势过重死亡。
- I now choose to do special police anti-terrorism fiance and I chose him, and obviously have to put up with loneliness, helplessness, loss, but I chose. 而我现在选择了反恐特警做未婚夫,而我选择了他,明明是要忍受孤独,无助,失落,但是我还是选择了。
- Backside of Tabulation with Computer at the Gross Roots 在基层微机报表的背后
- We Must Faced Three Problems in Extending Gross Roots Democracy 扩大基层民主必须直面三个问题
- They prepared extensively for disturbances by developing a citywide network of surveillance cameras and training, outfitting, and deploying riot squads and other special police. 他们为此做了大量的准备,包括开发一个全市联网的监控系统,培养全副武装的高效防暴队和特警队。
- It is reported that Faye Wong in the general standard of living, the price is only 298 yuan per night, but the next room is home to act as special police bodyguards. 据悉,王菲住在普通的标准间,每晚标价只有298元,不过旁边房间住着特警充当保镖。
- Two special police force mrs jump out of a helicopter asothersaim during a coordinated military maneuver at an airportinNanjing, East Chinas Jiangsu Province Novr 27, 2006. 2006年11月27日,在江苏省南京市一机场进行的反恐军事演习中,特种部队的一名武警正进入直升机。
- The terrorist sieges all round the industrial park, initiates a round firepower formidable fly upon, hits special police officers no place to hide to be on the verge of death. 恐怖分子将工业园区团团围困,发起一轮轮火力强大的猛烈攻击,打得特警们无处藏身危在旦夕。
- Several constables and special police officers, anticipating trouble, trailed along to prevent it, and herded the two gangs separately aboard the train for San Francisco. 马丁告诉吉米他要在十六路站下车,再转去奥克兰的电车。
- The goods are to be sold by the gross. 这些货物是要趸批出售的。
- A special police force member accesses a helicopter during a military maneuver at an airport in Nanjing, East China's Jiangsu Province November 27, 2006. 2006年11月27日,在江苏省南京市一机场进行的反恐军事演习中,特种部队的一名武警正进入直升机。
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- And the criminal justice in it should not carried out by the administration organ with administrative methods and should be handled to the special police organ. 对其中的刑事司法事项不应再由行政机关采用行政的方法进行管理,应交给专门的警察部门管辖;