- An ontology-based semantic service component of the Image Processing Grid Platform is introduced in this paper. 介绍了在图像处理网格平台上开发的、基于语义的信息服务组件;
- Grid MP on Demand makes use of a United Devices grid platform that can be used by small and medium companies on a project-by-project basis. Grid MP on Demand利用了United Devices的网格平台,这个平台可以供中小型公司使用,其使用方式是按照项目划分的。
- It is helpful to develop a grid test bed. Globus Toolkit2.4 has been chosen as the grid platform in the CDG and a grid environment has been built. 本文以 Globus Toolkit(GT)为校园数据网格(Campus Data Grid,CDG)的基础平台,搭建试验网格环境。
- One solution to this might be the ready-to-run kits that make use of specialist software and hardware to provide both the grid platform and the computing power. 在这种情况下,一种解决方法是使用现成的工具箱,利用专门的软件和硬件,提供网格平台和计算力。
- Fore-end e-commerce Website and back-end automated design grid platform were established by adopting the Browser/Server (B/S) architecture and grid technology. 摘要采用浏览器/服务器模式和网格技术,构建了前台电子商务网站和后台自动化设计网格平台。
- MASSIVE grid platform is built on the top of Globus Toolkit and aims to offer users a grid-enabled CFD (computational fluid dynamics) and CSM (computational solid mechanics) problem solving. MASSIVE网格平台处于工程应用与网格中间件之间,为用户提供一个图形化的网格应用集成开发环境,它建立在Globus Toolkit中间件之上并支持基于网格的计算流体力学与计算固体力学问题求解及可视化。
- Author chose Globus Toolkit2.4 as the grid platform to develop CDG and built a grid environment. CDG information service was researched and some functions were implemented. A scheduling algorithm for CDG was also researched and implemented. 作者选取了Globus Toolkit2.;4 作为 CDG 的基础平台;搭建了一个试验网格环境;在这个试验环境中研究实现了 CDG 的信息服务的部分功能;以及一种适用于 CDG 的任务调度算法;最后测试了信息服务的实现模块;并且用一种模拟方法测试了基于信息服务的任务调度模块。
- This limits the grid platforms on which work units can be executed and also limits how you use and supply work and requests to the grid. 封闭环境限制了任务单元运行的网格平台,同时限制了网格任务的使用、提供和请求。
- He was walking up and down the station platform. 他在火车站的月台上走来走去。
- The Test and Study of Access Mode to Resource on Information Grid Platform 信息网格平台资源访问方式的测试与研究
- She hurried over to the entrance to No.4 Platform. 她匆匆向第四号月台入口处走过去。
- A balcony is a platform with a wall. 阳台是有墙的平台。
- A Design Scheme of Court Network Resource Share Based on Grid Platform 一种基于网格平台的法院专网资源共享设计方案
- Any train from this platform stops at Gatwick. 从这一月台开出的火车都在盖特威克停。
- Please buy me a platform ticket. 请给我买张站台票。
- The politician geared his platform to the mob. 政客使自己的政治纲领迎合平民大众的口味。
- The local worthies all sat on the platform. 地方名流都坐在台上。
- The party's platform is reducing taxes. 那个政党的政治纲领是减税。
- Strip off the platform rhetoric and what you are left with? 揭掉那一套竞选政纲的花言巧语,你还剩下什么?
- The politician was hissed off (the platform). 人们用嘘声把那政客轰下了台。