- And I have greying hair and no longer roam the war zones of the world. 而我,早已头发灰白,早已不再穿行于世界上充斥着战争的角落。
- His torso is still tight and lean but is marked with scars, and his boyish face is aged by wrinkles and greying hair. 虽然身上的肌肉和疤痕依然清晰可见,但在那张年少的脸上已经布满了皱纹,白发爬上了头顶。
- A band of gray hair encircled his bald dome. 他的秃头顶四周长着一圈灰白的头发。
- He ran his hand through his thinning gray hair. 他用力捋他那愈见稀疏的灰头发。
- Why does the first gray hair stick straight out? 为什么最初的白头发会挺得笔直的(那么显眼)?
- The old man had graying hair on the temples. 这位老人鬓发斑白。
- I do not realize she has so much gray hair now. 我没注意到她现在有那么多白头发。
- A wisp of gray hair sticks out from under her hat. 一绺灰白头发从她的帽子下露了出来。
- A woman's genes are much more likely than lifestyle factors such as stress or diet to cause greying hair, a study suggests. 研究显示,一个女人的基因比诸如压力、饮食之类的生活方式因素更容易引起白头发。
- There is not a gray hair on his head. 他头上没有一根白头发。
- I do not realize she have so much gray hair now. 我没注意到她现在有那么多白头发。
- A wisp of gray hair stuck out from under her hat. 一绺灰白头发从她的帽子下露了出来。
- He was wrinkled and black, with scant gray hair. 他满脸皱纹,皮肤很黑,头发灰白稀疏。
- These people who were young fifty years back are now gray haired. 50年前的年轻人,现在已经白发苍苍了。
- Have in posteriority a young person with greying hair a lot of be to accompany some kind of disease happening, because spirit is het-up,some are with hidebound be caused by. 在后天性少白头中有许多是伴随某种疾病发生的,有些则是由于精神过度紧张和营养不良所致。
- His greying hair was curly. 他那慢慢要变苍白了的头发是卷曲着的。
- My heart sunk, for before I knew it, I had gray hair and wrinkles. 我心情很沉重,我还不知道怎么回事,我就已经是满头白发,满脸皱纹了。
- His iron gray hair was precisely parted and in place. 他铁灰色的头发在正当中分开,梳得整整齐齐。
- Helen, do you know that man? He has gray hair and gray eyes. 海伦,你认识那个男人吗?他长着灰色的头发和眼睛。
- A rinsing agent used to give a silver tint to gray or graying hair. 染剂一种将灰色染成银白色的染剂。