- Electronic waste is a grey area. 电子废物是较难规管的灰色地带。
- The insurance industry is such a grey area at the best of times. 即使在最好的情况下,保险业还是一个如此灰色的地带。
- When the rules for police procedure is laid down,a lot of grey area remain. 警方的程序规章定立后,遗留下许多难以处理的灰色区域。
- When the rules for police procedure is lay down,a lot of grey area remain. 警方的程序规章定立后, 遗留下许多难以处理的灰色区域。
- Exactly what can be called an offensive weapon is still a grey area. 究竟什么可称作进攻性武器仍然难以界定。
- The breakpoint will appear as a blue dot in the grey area on the left. 这个断点在左边的灰色区域看上去像一个蓝点。
- When the rules for police procedure is laid down, a lot of grey area remain. 警方的程序规章定立後,遗留下许多难以处理的灰色区域。
- Eaves wall tiles grey area, eaves rafters under weight occurred fracture. 檐面上灰挂瓦后,檐椽受力过重,发生断裂。
- Despite the grey area, public perception of the two problems often diverges. 除开灰色区域不谈,人们对于这二者的认识也多不一致。
- When the rules for police procedure were laid down, a lot of grey areas remained. 警方的程序规章定立后,遗留下许多难以处理的灰色区域。
- Regarding the contract,I'm worried about the grey area concerning who pays for any price rise of the raw materials. 关于合同,我担心的是谁支付原材料的涨价,这一点合同中并未写清楚。
- Online gambling operates in a grey area of the law with no single piece of legislation covering it. 网上赌博的运作方式钻了法律的空子,没有任何一项法律对其做出规定。
- Regarding the contract,the schedule is clear enough out I'm worried about the grey area concerning who pays for any price rise of the raw materials. 关于这合同,明细表是够清楚的了,不过我担心的是关于谁支付原材料的涨价,这一点却不明确。
- To set the breakpoint, open GetFlights. Jsp, and right-click in the grey area to the left of the line of code which starts with. 开始的那行代码左边的灰色区域单击右键。
- Regarding the contract, the schedule is clear enough out I'm worried about the grey area concerning who pays for any price rise of the raw materials. 关于这合同,明细表是够清楚的了,不过我担心的是关于谁支付原材料的涨价,这一点却不明确。
- Greyware refers to a malicious software or code that is considered to fall in the “grey area” between normal software and a virus. 灰件是指位于正常软件和病毒之间“灰色地带”的恶意软件或代码。
- As with other issues considered sensitive by the government, individual domain-name ownership has always been a legal grey area in China. 就像政府视为敏感的其它问题一样,个人域名所有权在中国一直是一个法律上的灰色区域。
- There is very little grey area in the teen mind and similar to the idea of permanence above, be aware of the use of superlatives in your teens lingo. 当我和其他孩子们谈他们面临的各种困难时,大家似乎都觉得日子没法继续下去了,生活一尘不变,没有什么盼头。
- For the obvious reason that the information would be first hand and in English, thus increasing the accessibility to this grey area of film music. 因为得到的信息也会是第一手的而且是英语的,这样可以增进我们对于这片音乐灰色地带的了解。
- This could in turn erode the market for hybrid capital deals, which are supposed to occupy a kind of grey area between debt and equity. 这接下来还可能对混合资本债券市场造成不利影响。该市场旨在填补债券和股票之间的灰色地带。