- The weeds grew in wanton profusion. 遍地野草丛生。
- The child's hair grew in pretty waves. 那个孩子长著的鬈发很好看。
- Her good qualities opened out as she grew in years. 她的优秀品质随着年龄的增长而更趋完美。
- Such crops won't grow in limy soil. 这类作物不能在石灰质的土壤中生长。
- What shall we grow in this alkaline soil? 我们应该在碱性土壤里种什么?
- Oats mainly grow in cool climate. 燕麦主要生长在气候凉爽的地区。
- Many wild flowers grow in the forest mold. 森林里的松软沃土上长著许多野花。
- Rice does not grow in a cold climate. 稻在寒冷的气候下不能生长。
- Strawberry is hardy and easy to grow in all soil. 草莓耐寒,各种土壤里都容易生长。
- This plant can grow in many parts of the globe. 这种植物能在地球上许多地方生长。
- Does cowslip grow in tropic countries? 西洋樱草生长于热带国家吗?
- Nothing can grow in this barren land. 在这块不毛之地上什么也不能生长。
- Irrigation is needed to make crops grow in dry regions. 干旱地区需要灌溉才能使作物生长。
- Irrigation is needed to make crops grow in dry area. 要使庄稼在乾旱地区生长就需灌溉。
- A plant that grows in saline soil. 盐生植物一种生长在盐分土壤上的植物
- Potato grows in many parts of the world. 马铃薯在世界许多地区都有种植。
- Wheat is grown in various parts of the country. 全国许多地方都种小麦。
- There was a nutmeg growing in the garden. 花园里长著一棵肉豆蔻树。
- The trees grew in a compact mass. 树木密密麻麻长在一块。
- Sedge grows in marshes or near water. 芦苇生长在沼泽地带或水边。