- Of a light or moderate greenish yellow. 深橘黄色的一种淡的或中等程度的黄绿色的
- Greenish Yellow: Low threat, Not attacking you. 黄绿色:低仇恨,不会攻击你。
- Calyx ciliate; corolla yellow to greenish yellow. 花萼具缘毛;花冠黄到黄绿色。
- Sepals 5(--8), white or greenish yellow, often petaloid. 萼片5(-8),白色的或黄绿色,通常瓣状。
- Green tea is pale,greenish yellow,and the black tea is a deep amber color. 绿茶的颜色是带淡绿的黄色,红茶是深琥珀色。
- Green tea is pale, greenish yellow, and the black tea is a deep amber color. 绿茶的颜色是带淡绿的黄色,红茶是深琥珀色。
- I appreciate it mainly because of the deeply divided leaf lobes and the greenish yellow veins. 我喜欢它的深纹叶瓣及黄绿色的叶脉.
- Leaf blade margin crenulate; flowers light yellow or greenish yellow; style short and invisible. 叶片边缘具细圆齿;花浅黄或黄绿色;花柱短和看不见。
- Tepals primrose yellow, greenish yellow, or pale yellow, rarely yellowish white or orange-yellow, unspotted. 花被片樱草黄色,黄绿色,或者浅黄,很少淡黄白色或者橙黄色,没有斑点。(35
- The colour of greenish yellow rolls back and forth on the earth gradually spread, little will be deep shallow green annihilation. 苍黄的色彩渐渐在大地上舒卷蔓延,一点点将深深浅浅的绿湮没。
- Though you lie among the sheepfolds, There are dove wings covered with silver, And its pinions, with greenish yellow gold. 13你们虽然躺卧在羊圈之间,却像鸽子的翅膀镀了白银,翎毛镀了绿黄色的金。
- Tall North American deciduous timber tree having large tulip-shaped greenish yellow flowers and conelike fruit,yields soft white woods used especially for cabinet work. 北美大型的每年落叶木材,开大型郁金香形略带绿色的黄花,果实呈球果状,木质白且柔软,可作橱柜用木。
- In most cases, these natural, untreated diamonds had weak to moderate fluorescence spectra, whereas two greenish yellow irradiated samples showed strong to very strong spectra. 大部分情况下,这些天然的、未处理的钻石有微弱到中等强度的荧光光谱,而两颗绿黄色辐照样品显示了强到很强的光谱。
- Tall North American deciduous timber tree having large tulip-shaped greenish yellow flowers and conelike fruit; yields soft white woods used especially for cabinet work. 北美大型的每年落叶木材,开大型郁金香形略带绿色的黄花,果实呈状;木质白且柔软,可作橱柜用木。
- This traditional Sauvignon Blanc has a greenish yellow color.It reveals note of tropical fruit as grapefruit and citric touches in the nose.In the plate is light and fresh with a good acidity level. 一脉相传的卡本内苏维翁白葡萄酒,酒色青绿,满有葡萄和柠檬的清新,酒身轻盈,酸度恰到好处。
- Yellow or greenish yellow powder 黄色或黄绿色粉未
- The pottery is blue with a greenish hue. 这种瓷器蓝中带绿。
- avens of Virginia having pale or greenish yellow flowers. 生长于弗吉尼亚的一种水杨梅,具有暗黄或黄绿色的花。
- A moderate to strong greenish blue. 彩釉色一种介于浅绿蓝色与深绿蓝色之间的颜色
- A pale blue to light greenish blue. 青绿色,水绿色淡青色至淡青绿色