- Does the amount of greenhouse gas reduction can survey? 项目温室气体减排量可测吗?
- International oil price spike and greenhouse gas reduction have a great impact on the development of flue gas flooding. 摘要在国际油价上涨、温室气体减排等因素影响下,使得烟道气驱得到了发展。
- energy conservation and greenhouse gas reduction 节能减排
- "If we fully implement our strong laws, adhere to the principles I've outlined, and adopt appropriate incentives, we will put America on an ambitious new track for greenhouse gas reductions," he said. 他说:“如果我们全面贯彻我们强大的法律,信守我规划的原则,并采取适当的刺激手段,我们将让美国走上一个大胆的温室气体减少的新轨道。”
- "There will be continued residual warming no matter what greenhouse gas reductions we make," Monaghan warns."We really need to pay closer attention to what is going on with this ice sheet. “不管我们如何减少温室气体的排放,仍然会有残留的变暖趋势继续存在,”莫纳汉警告说,“我们确实需要密切注意这块冰原上所发生的情况。”
- National Programme for Energy Efficiency Improvement and Greenhouse Gas Reduction; 国家提高能源效益减少温室气体方案;
- Keywords nonflame combustion;greenhouse gas reduction;oxygen carriers;molten salts;exergy analysis; 无烟燃烧技术;温室气体减排;氧载体;熔融盐;(火用)分析;
- This year, UNEP focuses on greenhouse gas emissions reduction. 今年UNEP的主题是降低导致温室效应气体的排泄。
- greenhouse gas reduction 温室气体减排
- Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas. 二氧化碳是主要的温室气体。
- The flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol provide for transferable credits derived from greenhouse gas emission reduction projects. 京都议定书的灵活机制为温室气体减排项目提供贷款。
- "The energy saving and pollution reduction endeavor is China's specific action to cut greenhouse gas emissions," Xie noted. 谢振华说:“减少能源消耗和环境污染,是中国专门针对减少温室气体排放的措施。”
- Managed grasslands: A greenhouse gas sink or source? 管理的草原:温室气体汇(下沉)还是源?
- Highlight the environmental and greenhouse gas benefits of NGV. 使天然气汽车的优异性在环境及二氧化碳混合气方面更为显著.
- Yeah you know, because carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. 是的你知道,因为二氧化碳是一种温室气体。
- A reduction in emissions of sulphur dioxide,which causes acid rain,has increased the impact of greenhouse gases. 引起酸雨的二氧化硫气体排放的减少,增加了温室气体的影响。
- No greenhouse gases would be released. 不会释放出温室气体。
- Greenhouse gases, for example, are global problems. 例如,温室气体排放是个全球性的问题。
- What makes them "greenhouse gases"? 温室气体怎么产生?
- The trading system would allow companies to buy tradeable allowances to emit the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide to ensure the overall reduction targets are met. 此外,该交易系统将允许各企业间进行二氧化碳排放量的交易,以确保达成温室气体排放减量的整体目标。