- greener landfill sites 更绿色填埋场
- Xikengwei Refuse Landfill Site Construction Given the go-ahead. 西坑尾垃圾填埋场将全面动工。
- Exploration of Landfill Site Leachate Treatment Technology. 垃圾填埋场渗沥水处理技术探讨。
- Imagine the towels and tampons that you will be disposing of in landfill sites during those years! 不要再去增加垃圾堆填区的负荷了,想想这几年都用了丢弃了多少卫生用品?
- Mr Prodi also promised three new incinerators and “enough” new landfill sites. 普罗迪先生也承诺三座新的焚烧炉和“足够多的”新垃圾填埋场。
- Analyze and compare the treatment processes on leachate from current urban waste landfill sites. 对当前城市垃圾填埋场的渗滤液处理工艺进行分析和比较.
- However, Grimshaw said the design was applicable to landfill sites around Britain. 然而,格林萧表示这个设计可以合用于英国各地的垃圾掩埋场。
- A measures of landfill gas (LFG) Angration had been made in the Yantian waste landfill sites of Shenzhen city. 对深圳市盐田港保税区垃圾场进行了填埋气体浓度的测试。
- Selection of landfill sites of hazardous solidwastes is a complex multistage approach affectedby multifactors. 固体有害废物安全填埋场的选址是一个涉及多因素多层次的复杂系统。
- Its launch is an attempt to stem the tide of plastic wrappers, tubs, trays and bottles that threatens to engulf landfill sites in the UK. 这种产品的出产,企图挡住淹没英国掩埋场的塑胶包装、、子和塑胶瓶浪潮。
- Abstract In this paper, a cementitious anchoring material was introduced, it can be used for covering the bulk material piles and especially the landfill sites. 摘要 介绍了一种水泥基锚固材料,它能够用来覆盖大面积材料堆的表面,尤其是垃圾填埋场。
- The protesters were angry at the government plans to reopen a local landfill site. 第2章 模拟试题
- During the first year we hired a truck every three months to take garbage to a landfill site in Huairou. 在第一年,我们每三个月雇一辆卡车将垃圾运到怀柔的一个销纳场,month.
- The stability is one primary problem of construction waste landfill site engineering. 稳定性是建筑垃圾填埋场工程的主要问题之一。
- The article analyzed the collapse accidents happened in the landfill sites at home and abroad and put forward safety precautions adopted with the management work of landfill site. 本文对国内外垃圾填埋场发生的崩塌事故进行了分析;并提出垃圾填埋场的管理工作应采取安全措施.
- The results show that the region nearby the waste landfill site hasbeen polluted. 结果表明,垃圾场已对周围环境造成二次污染。
- This paper studies the stabilization of Zhaojiagou Landfill site in Shenyang,which has been closed for 2 years. 对沈阳市一个关闭2年左右的垃圾卫生填埋场的稳定化状态进行了研究。
- It has been found that LFG is a potentially danger for the buildings near the landfill site. 测试结果表明,填埋气体的横向迁移现象明显,对周围建筑物安全具有潜在的威胁。
- The hazardous waste that cannot be treated on-site will be collected and treated in central treatment and disposal facilities such as the new landfill site to be built. 不能就地安全处理处置的危险废物全部集中处理,建成危险废物集中填埋场。
- If we continue to overlook the increasing waste in Guangzhou, it is likely that Guangzhou will become a huge landfill site sooner or later. 如果我们继续无视广州日益增多的垃圾,有可能不久的将来广州将成为巨大的垃圾填埋场。