- green government procurement 绿色政府采购
- This is the government procurement not commercial. 这是政府采购,不是商业采购。
- GPA Committee on Government Procurement. 政府采购委员会文件。
- The adjustment, the government procurement among the list of green furniture companies to reach 24. 此次调整之后,跻身政府采购绿色清单的家具企业达到24家。
- Government procurement of recycled paper stimulates recycling. 政府收购再生纸,可以促进回收利用。
- Publicity is the essence attribute of government procurement. 公共性是政府采购的本质属性。
- The Agreement on Government Procurement done at Marrakesh on 15 April 1994. 《政府采购协定》1994年4月15日订于马拉喀什。
- The Legal System of Governmental Procurement. 法律援助制度。
- The international modus operandi of government procurement and its apocalypse. 政府生机采购的国际作法及启示。
- Government Procurement is becoming an important part of finance expenditure. 政府采购已成为财政支出的重要组成部分。
- The policy and procedures regarding government procurement provided for therein were consistent with international practice. 其中规定的有关政府采购的政策和程序是与国际惯例相一致的。
- Governement procurement is a non-tariff trade barrier and, to some degree, can lead to social maladies like bribery and embezzlement. 政府采购是一种非关税的贸易障碍,在某种程度上可导致社会弊病,如受贿、盗用公款。
- They shall also include rules of origin used for government procurement and trade statistics. 还应包括用于政府采购和贸易统计的原产地规则。
- The large profit of government procurement brings about largely risk of commerce bribe. 巨大的利润空间给政府采购带来了商业贿赂的风险。
- The representation of government procurement function is unitary and antithetic. 因此,任何对政府采购功能的片面认识,都不利于政府采购功能的实现。
- Countries that have not signed the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement are free to pursue discriminatory policies. 没有在WTO政府采购协议上签字的国家可以自由地实行歧视性政策。
- It will be invol ved in the agenda that we should open th e native government procurement market t o the world . 而我国目前还存在一系列问题,政府采购市场开放前必须妥善解决这些问题,才能有效保护我国的正常利益。
- Government procurement system in the socialist market economy also needs a large number of promotion. 政府采购制度在社会主义市场经济中同样需要大量推广。
- The function of government procurement in our country is not single,but multi-dimension. 我国政府采购功能不是单一的,而是一个涵盖多维目标的功能体系。
- The emergence of GPA is a sign of government procurement of international society entering into mature period. 摘要GPA的产生是国际社会政府采购进入成熟阶段的标志;