- Welcome to the Green Garden Restaurant. 欢迎光临绿园餐厅。
- On June 20th, they came back to Changchun City and shacked in a hotel located in Green Garden District. 大家都知道这是他们这次浪漫旅程的最后一夜,都有些依依不舍。
- An old peasant, whom Prince Andrey used to see in his childhood at the gate, was sitting on the green garden seat plaiting bast shoes. 虽然他在童山并没有什么事情可干,但是他生性喜爱自找悲痛,他于是决定顺便到童山去。
- MAO cares about keeping natural and staying fresh offering fresh-fruit cocktails and mocktails, natural flower elixirs and a lush green garden! MAO重视保持自然与新鲜,新鲜水果制作而成的鸡尾酒和mocktails,自然生长的花草树木以及葱绿的花园,这,就是MAO!
- Technically indoor green garden can be located in any building storeys, but also could be located in the balcony, floor roof. 室内绿化庭园从技术上讲可以设在建筑的任何层数,也可以设在阳台、层顶上。
- Simple villa life, a simple green garden can satisfy your yearning for the free space and can meet you for single-door single-family to enjoy! 简单的别墅生活,简单的绿色花园能满足你对于自由空间的向往,能满足你对于单门独户的享受!
- Water in the river of Haohe is very clear, the trees in the green garden are green, the beauty spot is beautiful and exquisite, Nantong ren are hospitable, kindness. 濠河水很清,濠东绿苑的树很绿,景点优美而且精致,南通人好客、友善。
- Yellow Dragon Garden, Green Garden: Located in Yellow Dragon district, around World trading center, Zhe Jiang University, Yellow dragon gymnasium, this district is the political, education and trading center of Hangzhou. 黄龙雅苑。绿园:地处杭州的黄龙版块,周边有世贸中心,浙江大学,黄龙体育馆,是杭州政治,教育,贸易,最为集中的地块。
- Established in 2002, Nanjing Green garden Wood Industrial Co., Ltd(GREDEN) is one of the first ACQ wood preservative developers and ACQ pressure treated timber manufacturers in China. 绿苑木业成立于2002年,系国内最早研制和生产ACQ防腐剂和防腐木的生产企业之一。
- "Fine emerald green garden " villatic area covers an area of 400 mus, will build 100 villa, at present 30 villa of first phase already sold out entirely, 2, 3 period villa is being built in. “晴翠园”别墅区占地400亩,将要建100座别墅,目前第一期的30座别墅已全部售完,二、三期的别墅正在建造中。
- Shenyang Green Garden Shopping Centre 沈阳绿色家园购物广场
- Mrs. Smith has a green thumb. Her garden is beautiful. 史密斯太太精於园艺,她的花园很漂亮。
- Mr. Green spoke highly of our city. 格林先生很称赞我们的城市。
- My mother's got green fingers and she can grow anything in her small garden. 我母亲有高超的种植技能,能在小花园中种出任何东西。
- While the city is having lack of green spaces, this modular skyscraper is envisioned as a series of solar powered stacking units containing green gardens and additional space for living and working. 虽然城市是有缺乏绿地,这种模块化的摩天大楼的设想一系列太阳能堆积单位含绿色花园和额外的空间生活和工作。
- I stood watching for the signal to change to green. 我站着等待交通信号转为绿灯。
- Mr Green is a professor in name but not in reality. 格林先生是徒有虚名的教授。
- The man whose right eye is blind is Mr. Green. 右眼瞎的那人是格林先生。
- Hello. worldwide flowers. Ers. Green speaking. 喂,这是世界花卉公司,我是格林太太。
- Are you going to get the house painted green? 你打算要把房子漆成绿色吗?