- They use their tongues to suck in the green food. 它们用舌头吮吸着绿色食品。
- Hefei FengLi Green Foods Co.Ltd. 合肥丰力绿色食品有限公司。
- Organic vegetables are green food. 有机蔬菜是绿色食品。种植时农民们不使用化肥和农药。
- China North Green Food CO., Ltd. 中国北方绿色食品股份有限公司。
- Dalian Tiansheng Green Food Co, Ltd. 大连市天盛绿色食品有限责任公司。
- Hefei Fenglian Green Food Co., Ltd. 合肥丰联绿色食品有限公司。
- Worldwide popular green food is now known to every household. 风靡世界的绿色食品已经家喻户晓。
- Modern agriculture has focused on developing green food. 现代农业已发展绿色食品为中心。
- Green food smelling sweet in city and county velley. 绿色食品飘香于闹市与山坳。
- We should have more fresh and green food and less junk food. 我们应当多吃新鲜的绿色食品,少吃那些污七八糟的食品。
- Do not contain any pigment and preservative the "green food". 不含任何色素和防腐剂,堪称“绿色食品”。
- Green food from nature is the protective divinity of people's health. 出于自然的绿色食品,是人体健康的保护神。
- The China Green Food Corp has built a distribution center of green food. 中国绿色食品公司已经建立了一个绿色食品的配送中心。
- Light green foods such as green grapes, kiwi and honeydew also offer phytochemicals such as lutein and indoles. 青葡萄、奇异果和哈密瓜等浅绿色食物也能提供人体黄体素和引朵等植物化学因子。
- Relates the plateau ecology environment,the unique green foods' resources and the exploiting prospects. 概述了高原的生态环境和独特的绿色食品资源及开发前景。
- Competition of green foods industry after entry WTO should become a key of agricultural competition. 入世后,我国绿色食品产业的竞争必将成为农业竞争的关键点。
- By the end of 1995 a total of 568 sorts of green food had been developed,many of them becoming well-known products. 到1995年底,全国共开发绿色食品产品568个,相当一部分成为名牌产品。
- Since the start of the development of green food,1.13 million hectares of land have been well protected. 绿色食品开发以来,有113万公顷土地受到较好保护。
- The regular taking of green food can promote one's health and prolong one's life. 常吃绿色食品,能促进健康,延年益寿。