- Students examined the green environment in Tsim Sha Tsui. 学生考察尖沙咀文化区域的绿化环境。
- Professional quality will be trustworthy, Green environment protection, superior materials and energy-saving. 专业品质,值得我依赖,绿色环保,优质节能。
- Integrative technic exploiture of green environment protection sweeping breed aquatics of pig for export. 出口型牲猪规模养殖绿色环保综合技术开发。
- The VGH is situated in a pleasantly green environment on the outskirts of Taipei. 2-4. 图1:荣总佔地广、规模大、设备也好,是所现代化的大型医院。
- Process of synthesis is simple, and the main feedstock glycine is nonpoisonous green environment production. 药剂合成工艺简单,主要原料是无毒的绿色环保产品氨基酸。
- Regeneration of used lube oil is of great benefit to the modern society,great economy and green environment. 为了提高再生润滑油的质量,为润滑油的再生提供新的方法,提出了用膜法处理废润滑油的新思路。
- But it is long in green environment, make the person feels cold and cheerless easily, affect the exudation of gastric juice, anorexia. 但长时间在绿色的环境中,易使人感到冷清,影响胃液的分泌,食欲减退。
- The priciple of hominism is developed in modern planting design, in which the functionism of green environment accupies a deserving position. 现代园林种植设计提出了以人为本的设计原则,把绿色环境的可用性提到了应有的高度。
- In the past eight years,China has spared no efforts to host internatinal sporting events and creat a green environment for our Olympic dream. 在过去八年里;中国一直不遗余力去主办国际运动大赛;同时为我们的奥林匹克之梦创造一个绿色环境.
- He noted that the owner of the related land in Kg. Bohol should construct facility needed by the residents, like recreation park or green environment. 他表示,甘榜波河地段拥有者应该建设居民需要的设施,如休闲公园或绿色地区。
- From the environment here because the green belts and forest parks situated, green rate, eyeful green and mature green environment very rare. 从环境来说这里因为有绿化带和森林公园环抱,绿化率极高,满眼绿色和成熟的绿化环境非常难得。
- More than half of Lantau Island has been designated as Country Park area. Its tranquil and green environment makes it a popular spot for nature lovers and hikers. 岛上泰半以上地方属于郊野公园范围,环境清幽,青葱翠绿,是远足胜地。
- Beijing Sanhe Green Environment Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is a joint-venture company with the background of Norwegian Green Environmental Protection, Investment Group. 北京三合绿色环保设备有限公司是挪威绿色环保、投资集团公司为股东背景的中外合资企业。
- Because of the green environment, house price is going up, articles in sell, virescence and property market turns out an inseparable “economy billows”. 因为有了绿色的环境而房价上升,楼盘热销,绿化与物业市场出现了密不可分的“经济波澜”。
- The material we chooses is a kind of quick-grow and green environment protectively material, which has 3 to five years' live period, so it can fully meet our needs for material. 选用的竹材是一种速生的绿色环保型的材料,生长期为3-5年,能够充分保证材料的供应。
- HMC will follow the philosophies of MRC and develop to be the enterprise which enjoys good profit, adheres to green environment and devotes to society for a long time. HMC将秉承MRC的发展理念,根据企业所处经济社会的结构变化、企业活动的国际化发展和企业的社会责任,致力发展成为一家效益良好、绿色环保、长久有益于社会的企业!
- Green environment is the best part of the length of over 300 metres, the Chinese parasol tree Avenue tall ones, this project is unique in the capital property. 绿色环境中的精华部分则是长度达300多米、高大浓密的梧桐大道,这在京城物业项目中是绝无仅有的。
- China offers tax incentives to companies whose products contribute to a greener environment. 中国对于能提供环保产品的公司,提出了税务优惠办法。
- In this respect,better planning,better urban renewal,cleaner and greener environment are the areas to which our effort will be directed. 在这方面,进行更完善的规划和市区重建计划,缔造更清洁、更绿化的环境,都是我们的工作目标。
- Mr. Green spoke highly of our city. 格林先生很称赞我们的城市。