- The New Year came in with heavy snow storms. 在大雪纷飞中新年来到了。
- The heavy snow did great damage to the fruit trees. 大雪给果树造成了巨大的损失。
- It seems to me we'll have a heavy snow. 看来要下一场大雪了。
- Heavy snow hindered the construction work. 大雪妨碍了这项建筑工程的进行。
- Heavy snow has blocked off traffic on the motorways. 大雪阻碍了高速公路上的交通。
- The heavy snow stopped him from coming to our party. 那场大雪使他未能前来参加我们的宴会。
- The advance of the enemy troops was halted by a heavy snow. 一场大雪阻止了敌军的进攻。
- The heavy snow has prevented all communication with the highlands. 大雪阻断了与高地之间的一切联系。
- Heavy snow hindered construction work. 大雪阻碍了建筑工程的进展。
- The branch gave under the weight of the heavy snow. 大雪使树枝折弯。
- Heavy snow is sifting onto the ground. 满天大雪撒落在大地上。
- He can have been delayed by heavy snow. 他可能被大雪耽误了。
- Heavy snow caused the airport to be shut down. 大雪于机场关闭。
- I expect it will have a heavy snow this afternoon. 我预计今天下午要下大雪。
- I expect we'll have a heavy snow this afternoon. 我预计今天下午要下大雪。
- The train was delayed by heavy snow. 火车因大雪误点了。
- Heavy snow has covered the ground. 大雪复盖了地面。
- What do you associate with such a heavy snow ? 这样一场大雪你有什么联想?
- There will be heavy snow in the coming few days. 近期内将下大雪。
- What do you associate with such a heavy snow? 这样一场大雪你有什么联想?