- Mona Lisa is a great work of art. 《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》是一幅伟大的艺术品。
- A great work of art can have no meaning. 一件伟大的艺术作品也可以没有任何意义。
- Any great work of art is great because it creates a special world of its own. 任何伟大的艺术品之所以伟大,是由于它创造了自己特有的世界。
- For all musicians, read great literature and study great works of art, as this will enhance your music. 对于所有成为音乐家的人来说,必须阅读大量有关作品和文献,研究大型作品和艺术,因为只有这样才能提高你的音乐才能。
- We should know that great works of art are measured by the emotions they evoke, not just how they look next to the plant stand. 我们应该懂得,伟大的艺术品是由它们自身所唤起的情感来衡量的,而不只是由他们在园艺架旁的外观所决定。
- Using their wealth from trade,the Italian city-states beautified their churches,palaces,and other public buildings with great works of art. 利用从贸易中得到的财富,这些意大利的城邦用伟大的艺术品去美化他们的教堂,宫殿以及别的公共建筑。
- Any great work of art is great because it creates a special world of its own. It revives and readapts time and space. 任何伟大的艺术品之所以伟大,是由于它创造了自己特有的世界。它再现并重新改写了时空。
- As in a great work of art, the parts interact subtly to form an impressive whole - in this case, an amazing portrait of effective software development. 这就像一件伟大的艺术品,各个部分之间微妙的相互影响从而构成了令人难忘的整体。同样,这也是对有效的软件开发的形象描述。
- He visited our studios for a conversation with CWCB's L.W., discussing his solo exhibition, his path to becoming an artist, and why great works of art can be worth so much money. 他来到纽约人在纽约接受丽华的访问,讨论他的展览,成为艺术家的心路历程,以及艺术的收藏价值。
- As a work of art it is very poor. 作为艺术品这是十分拙劣的。
- By anybody's standards that work of art is A-1. 那件艺术品按任何人的标准都是第一流的。
- There is no greater obstacle to the enjoyment of great works of art than our unwillingness to discard habits and prejudices. 在欣赏伟大的艺术作品时,最大的障碍就是不肯摒弃陋习和偏见。
- She is capable of judging works of art. 她有鉴赏艺术品的能力。
- What a great work of art! 多好的一件艺术作品呀。
- An outstanding work of art or craft. 一个引人注目的艺术品或工艺品
- Angkor Wat, the world's largest temple and Cambodia's greatest work of art, was neglected during the Khmer regime. 吴哥窟,这座世界上最大的寺庙和柬埔寨最伟大的艺术品,在高棉政权曾被忽视。
- Based on the #1 bestselling novel by the same name, the mystery thriller uncovers an ancient secret hidden for centuries within the world's greatest works of art. 根据最畅销的同名小说改编,这齣神秘惊险的电影将揭开藏在世界最伟大艺术作品里几个世纪的远古之谜。
- Hanfeizi is a great work of the Legalist school. 《韩非子》是一部法家名著。
- Of all these works of art, the thing I like most is that painting. 所有的艺术品中,我最喜欢那幅油画。
- The products of genius,eg great works of art 天才的产物(如伟大的艺术作品)