- The great revolutions in modern and contemporary China have emerged and grown on the basis of these basic contradictions. 伟大的近代和现代的中国革命,是在这些基本矛盾的基础之上发生和发展起来的。
- ZHANG Xiao-Yu the emergence of the Internet to do a great revolutions in Baidu, Google, Yahoo and other search volume has reached frenzied proportions. 张筱雨的出现,把互联网搞得天翻地覆,在百度、谷歌、雅虎等的搜索量已经到达疯狂的地步。
- Prachanda: Our party seriously analyzes the lessons of history, particularly from the great revolutions and counterrevolutions of the 20th century. 普:我们党在很认真地吸取历史的教训,特别是发生在20世纪的那些伟大的革命及反革命。
- Except for the Communist Party,no political party (bourgeois or petty-bourgeois) is equal to the task of leading China's two great revolutions,the democratic and the socialist revolutions,to complete fulfilment. 领导中国民主主义革命和中国社会主义革命这样两个伟大的革命到达彻底的完成,除了中国共产党之外,是没有任何一个别的政党(不论是资产阶级的政党或小资产阶级的政党)能够担负的。
- That country is now experiencing a great revolution. 那个国家目前正在经历一次伟大的革命。
- Modern science and technology are undergoing a great revolution. 现代科学技术正在经历着一场伟大的革命。
- The Red Army came in being after the defeat of the first great revolution. 红军是第一次大革命失败后诞生的。
- Modern science and technology are now undergoing a great revolution. 现代科学技术正在经历着一场伟大的革命。
- The Red Arm came into being after the defeat of the first great revolution. 红军是第一次大革命失败后诞生的。
- The Red Army came into being after the defeat of the first great revolution. 红军是从第一次大革命失败中诞生的。
- Laos party abrogated the policy of “ socialism nationalization”, “industry and business industry socialism reform”, “ three greatest revolutions” etc. 老挝党和政府对建国时期推行的“生产资料国有化”、“工商业社会主义改造”和“三大革命”等政策进行了调整、改革和废除。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- The poem showed great intensity of feeling. 这篇韵文表现出强烈的激情。
- All the imperialists opposed us during our First Great Revolution; the Soviet Union alone helped us. 第一次大革命时期,一切帝国主义者都反对我们,只有苏联援助了我们。
- The Cninese Red Army,starting as guerrilla units,came into being after the defeat of the first great revolution. 中国红军是产生于第一次大革命失败之后,从游击队开始。
- A great revolution requires a great party and many first-rate cadres to guide it. 指导伟大的革命,要有伟大的党,要有许多最好的干部。
- In China a great revolution mass movement for modernizing science and technology is developing rapidlyandvigorously. 在中国,一场向科学技术现代化进军的伟大革命群众运动正在迅速蓬勃展开。
- In the Great Revolution period, Houhu is a place where gallant and drastic struggle occurred. 大革命时期,后湖又是英勇、激烈的斗争之地。
- Chen Duxiu is in the wrong essence of great revolution period is not opportunistic " of " capitulationism " , " . 陈独秀在大革命时期的错误实质不是"投降主义"、"机会主义"。
- Chapter 1 approaches the inner relations between the Comintern and the failure of the Chinese First Great Revolution. 第一章探讨共产国际与中国大革命的失败的内在关联。