- His great grandfather was a simple courtier then. 他的曾祖父那时是个小朝臣。
- His great grandfather is still knocking around. 他的曾祖父还健在。
- This antique belonged to his great grandfather. 这件旧物是他祖爷爷留下来的。
- Buffett Is Obama's Great Grandfather? 巴菲特是奥巴马曾祖父?
- My great grandfather holds a hookah in his hand in the photo. 照片上我的太爷爷手里拿着一个水烟袋。
- Melia: Sure. My great grandfather, his father, my great aunt Loki. 米丽亚:是的,我的曾祖父,和曾祖父的爹,我姑奶奶劳克。
- Benny's great grandfather was a notorious bank robber. 班尼的祖父是个恶名昭彰的银行劫匪。
- His Great grandfather is the Great Leon of Vaudeville fame. 他的曾祖父是杂耍表演名望伟大的利昂。
- great great grandfather 高祖父
- It's in the house that my great grandfather first saw the light of day. 我曾祖母就出生在这所房子里。
- It s in the house that my great grandfather first saw the light of day. 我曾祖母就出生在这所房子里。
- Melia: Sure, my great grandfather, his father, and my great aunt Loki... 米丽亚:是的,我的曾祖父,和曾祖父的爹,我姑奶奶劳克。
- I'm the great great great grandson of that prince. 我是那个王子孙子的孙子的孙子。
- I would like a photo of Great Great Grandpa Rex . 我想要一张好好爷爷雷克斯的照片.
- As a matter of fact,my great grandfather came over from Sicily at the turn of the century. 说真的,我的曾祖父是本世纪初从西西里岛移民来的。
- About one hundred years ago,your great,great,great grandfather,John Hay,was the United State's Secretary of State. 百余年前,你们的高曾祖(编按:即前后六代人)约翰海依(JohnHay),是当时的美国国务卿。
- About one hundred years ago, your great, great, great grandfather, John Hay, was the United State's Secretary of State. 百余年前,你们的高曾祖(编按:即前后六代人)约翰海依(Johnhay),是当时的美国国务卿。
- Pizza As a matter of fact, my great grandfather came over from Sicily at the turn of the century. 比萨店主: 说真的,我的曾祖父是本世纪初从西西里岛移民来的。
- Thank you very much for your letter about Great Great Grandpa Rex. 非常感谢您关于曾曾祖父雷克斯的信。
- There is A Copy of Libai's Poems selected and copied by my great grandfather himself at my home. 我家有一本太祖爷爷自己选编并抄写的《李白诗钞》。