- They were grazing the shins of treason by doing so. 他们这样做近乎叛国。
- graze the shins of something 近手某事,沾到某事的边
- The groundwork or source of something. 基础,根源某事物的基础工作或根源
- Interlock the fingers of both hands and place it just below the shin of the right knee. 十指相扣在右膝盖胫骨上。
- Be quick off the mark if you hear of something promising. 若听说有前途的事情要马上行动。
- The traditional English full back was a large, strong man who would deliberately kick the shins of his opponents to reduce his effectiveness. 传统的英格兰边后卫都是些高大的猛男,他们通过故意踢对手的胫骨从而达到降低对手效率的目的。
- The distance from the base of something to the top. 高,高度某种物体从基部到顶部的距离
- Parboil the shin of pork in boiling water and drain.Peel the sea coconut and cut into thick slices.Wash the honey dates and put aside for later use. 猪洗净出水,海底椰去皮洗净切厚片,蜜枣洗净留用。
- In OP32, she agrees to help Harry in the plan to contact Sirius (eagerness, enthusiasm), and is later seen trying to kick the shins of her captor after being caught (fearless, defiant). 第32章,她答应帮助哈利和小天狼星联系(热心,热情),后来在被抓住后试图踢斯莱特林女生的小腿(无畏、不屈)。
- The act or process of getting rid of something. 除掉;清除,销毁除去某物的行为或过程
- This article researches and tests the extractive process of pectin from the shin of orange,it discusses all sorts of influencing factors of extraction,pectin quality and propose applicable optimum. 对从柑桔皮中提取果胶进行了研究和试验,讨论了各种因素对果胶质量和提取率的影响,找出了较佳的提取工艺条件。
- We can't graze the cattle till summer. 不到夏天我们不能放牧。
- It is the duty of every son to graze the cows. 放牧奶牛是每一个儿子的责任。
- This could be the start of something big. 这或许是要有大事的苗头。
- I did not say kick him in the shins, did I No. 我没说踢他的小腿,对吧?
- Find yourself a tin of something in the cupboard. 你在食品柜里找个什么罐头吃罢。”
- For two pins I'd kick him on the shins. 再有个风吹草动,我就踢他胫。
- We are in the middle of something. 我们正有点儿事儿。
- The coming into being of something; the origin. 开端,起源某物的形成; 起源
- She gave him a kick on the shin. 她朝他的小腿踢了一脚。