- gray level dependency matrix 灰度级相依矩阵
- The Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) has been proved to be a promising method for image texture analysis. 图像的灰度共生矩阵(GLCM)已知被理论证明并且实验显示它在纹理分析中是一个很好的方法;广泛用于将灰度值转化为纹理信息.
- The color feature (R/B ratio) is calculated based on RGB color model, and the texture features (contrast and correlation) are calculated by gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). 颜色特征的计算基于RGB色彩模型, 纹理特征的计算基于灰度共生矩阵。
- In this paper, we discuss the problem of how to select the weights of every band in multiband remote sensing image when we extract texture features based on gray level co-occurrence matrix. 主要探讨用灰度共生矩阵测度纹理特性,对多波段适感图像进行特征提取时,各个波段的权重选取问题。
- grey level dependence matrix 灰度共生矩阵
- The direct dependency graph(DDG),direct dependency matrix(DDM),dependency relation matrix(DRM),degree of direct dependency(DDD) and minimal cover(MC) were defined. 然后定义了直接依赖图、直接依赖矩阵、直接依赖度、依赖关系矩阵和最小覆盖等概念。
- The main features of the system are piecewise linear gray level transformation, slope angle adjustment, mapping and normalization, feature distilling. 本系统主要特征是分段线性灰度变换、斜度调整、射归一、征提取。
- This method has advantages of being easy to realize and high color sensitivity for gray level. 该方法和已有方法相比,具有容易实现、颜色对灰度等级分割的灵敏度高、实时效果好的特点。
- spatial gray level co-occurrence matrix 灰度共生矩阵
- In the pre-pressed DTP system, image-input, line-screen level, gray level and image-output are all concerned with the scanning resolution. 在彩色桌面印前系统中,图像扫描输入、加网线数、灰度等级和照排机输出都与扫描分辨率有关。
- An efficient algorithm of the test point selection and fault diagnosis strategy for complex systems, considering reliability and testing costs, is presented based on the dependency matrix. 以相关性模型为基础,综合可靠性和测试费用等因素提出了一种系统级优选测试点方法和故障诊断策略。
- The dynamic level depends on the abruptness of the attack. 力度强弱的大小是靠突然的冲击力决定的。
- The simulation indicates that this scheme reduces the DFC in SMPDP dramatically.To solve the problem of the poor gray level of S... 采用多帧图像的叠加显示和误差扩散方法,很好地解决图像灰度级不足的问题,从而提高荫罩式等离子体显示器的图像质量。
- This algorithm doesn't need to meet the request of "constant gray level of the image", and reduces the tracking accumulative error. 该算法不仅不要求满足“图像灰度一致性”,而且有效地减少了跟踪的累积误差。
- neighborhood gray level co-occurrence matrix 邻域灰阶共生矩阵
- In Keynesian Economics, a country's short-term balanced employment and income level depend on effective demand, while effective demand is formed by consumption demand and investment demand. 摘要在凯恩斯的经济学说中,一国短期的均衡就业量和收入水平,决定于有效需求,而有效需求又是由消费需求和投资需求构成的。
- gray level co- occurrence matrix 灰度共生矩阵
- The images of spores under microscope were captured by area-scan CCD camera,and the gray level images were then transferred into binary images by adjusting threshold. 利用面阵CCD摄像机采集显微镜中孢子的图像,通过灰度直方图确定初始阈值,再用二次定值法确定最终阈值,将灰度图像转换成二值图像。
- The proposed method firstly detects correspondences based on gray level edge feature so that the focal lens can be counted based on correspondences uniqueness. 该方法首先使用基于灰度边缘特征点的图像匹配来获得匹配坐标,并由匹配坐标唯一性计算焦距;
- gray level co-occurrence matrix(GLCM) 灰度共生矩阵