- The most easily observed example of such gravity waves is that of waves in the lee of mountains. 最容易观测到这种重力波是山背冈波。
- Large-Scale Flow Response to Short Gravity Waves Breaking in a Rotating Shear Flow. 在旋转切变流中大尺度流对短重力波阻断的响应。
- Generation Mechanisms of Convectively Forced Internal Gravity Waves and Their Propagation to the Stratosphere. 对流强迫重力内波的生成机制和向平流层的传播。
- Finally,it is found that the precipitation particles do excite gravity waves propagating upward. 也发现了降水粒子冲击低层大气,激发重力波向上传播。
- Then a dynamic model based on the atmospheric gravity waves is introduced to simulate the dynamic change of mirage. 提出了基于大气重力波模型的海市蜃楼动态变化模型;
- The chain of positive and negative hoizontal distributions of divergence at 850hPa showed the existence of gravity waves. 在850hPa散度场上,山东半岛存在辐合辐散交替出现的链式分布,这揭示了重力波的存在;
- One way to visualize the importance of detecting gravitational waves is to think of the universe as a movie and gravity waves as sound. 关于探测引力波的重要性,打个形象的比方,可将宇宙看作一部电影,而引力波是电影的声音。
- In summary, the internal gravity waves are an important transient feature of natural convection in the suddenly differentially heated cavity. 总之,重力波是侧加热腔体内自然对流演化过程中重要的物理特征和瞬态动力过程。
- The leading explanation is that they are gravity waves, in which the restoring force is buoyancy, as when you try to force a piece of wood into water and it bobs up and down. 主要的解释认为它们是以浮力为恢复力的重力波,就好像你试著强压一块木头入水时,木头会不断浮沉般。
- Saturation mechanism of gravity waves in mesosphere is discussed by simulating the nonlinear upward propagation of gravity wave in mesosphere. 通过对向上传播的重力波波包在中层大气中的非线性传播过程进行数值模拟;讨论中层大气中重力波的饱和机制.
- The long, vertical dark lines show where the troughs of gravity waves have roughened the surface.The brighter regions show the crests of the atmospheric waves. 长的竖直的黑线显示了哪里是重力波的槽,较为明亮的区域显示的是重力波的峰。
- Simulation results show that the atmospheric gravity wave forcing due to its breaking play a important roll in the MLT circulations. 模拟研究表明,大气重力波在MLT层的破碎过程,对其环流有重要影响。
- The breaking of gravity wave is the important source of convection and smallscale waves, and convective instability and overturn are the character of nonlinear phenomenon. 重力波的破碎是对流和小尺度波动的重要的源,对流不稳定和翻转是非线性现象的一个基本特徵。
- Meanwhile, analysis of the acceleration of pulses from a binary pulsar by radio astronomers at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst in 1978 provided indirect evidence of gravity waves. 与此同时,1978年阿默斯特市马萨诸塞大学的射电天文学家们对来自双脉冲星的脉冲的加速度所作的分析,也提供了引力波的间接证据。
- The results show that a downward propagating gravity wave packet can be excited by two up-going gravity wave packets owing to the nonresonant interaction. 研究表明:两个向上传播的重力波波包,通过非共振相互作用,也能激发出一个向下传播的重力波波包。
- Woodman,R.F.,M.Yamamoto, and S.Fukao, Gravity Wave Modulation of Gradient Drift Instabilities in Mid-Latitude Sporadic E Irregularities , Geophys.Res.Lett.,18,1197-1200,1991. 郑吉棠,利用中坜特高频雷达对中纬度电离层E层不规则体方向角之统计与研究,硕士论文,国立中央大学,1999。
- The results also show that both gravity wave drag and envelope orography have smaller influence on model results in the beginning of simulation, but greater in the later stage. 不论是地形重力波拖曳还是包络地形,在模式积分的初期,它们的作用并不明显,随着积分时间的增长,它们对模拟结果的影响程度增大。
- Gravity waves and perihelion deflexion of light 引力波与光线近日偏折
- Gravity waves in the middle atmospheres 中层大气重力波