- In the meanwhile, the result also show that the section configuration and near watercourse characteristic has influenced gravel bed load transport rate. 河床断面形态及其相邻河道特性对输沙率也有较大的影响。
- Test and study on AYT type of gravel bed load sampler AYT型砾卵石推移质采样器试验研究
- The Stochastic Nature of Gravel Bed Load Transport in Chuanjiang River 川江卵石推移质输移的随机性
- Determination of Bed Load Transport Rate of Gravel Bed by Simulation of Flume Experiment 用水槽模拟试验求卵石河床推移质输沙率
- The water is infiltrating the gravel bed. 水正渗透进碎石底层。
- A stretch of damaged track ran about 150 yards along the accident site, ties ripped from the gravel bed and the rails twisted. 损坏的铁轨一直延伸到距事故地点150码远处,沙砾层上的固定结裂开了,铁轨也扭曲了。
- Aggrading streams heavily charged with bed load may fill their channels nearly to the top of the banks. 带有大量推移质的堆积河流可以把河槽淤高到几乎与岸顶齐平。
- Biofilm decompose on the surface is the primary removal mechanism.The gravel bed subsurface constructed wetland was used to investigate the removal efficiencies of SS, NH4+-N, BOD5, and PO43-. 于关渡取用旧贵子坑溪溪水,为接触曝气及地下砾间处理复合式人工湿地,主要之污染去除机制为生物膜对污染质之分解。
- An estimation method of bed load transport rate based on the grain froude similarity is proposed. 运用沙粒佛汝德相似的原理,提出了推移质输沙率的推算公式。
- Bed load particles move spasmodically, perhaps at long intervals, and are at rest on the stream bed most of the time. 推移质颗粒多半作间歇运动,而大部分时间则停歇在河床上。
- The ancient gravel beds in the suburbs of Nanjng is one of the important types of rock of the Cenozoic era. 南京附近的古砾石层是组成该区新生代地层重要岩石类型之一。
- In the stream with strong bed load movement there is no benthic macroinvertebrate. 河势散乱且河床运动剧烈的支流物种丰度和密度均很低甚至为零,生态条件差。
- Our constant flow gravel bed system grows lettuce about 20% better than a reciprocal flow.Gravel beds and floating rafts are about 15-20% more efficient than NFT. 我们采用连续流砾石植床种的莴苣的产能比间歇灌溉的系统高出20%25,砾石植床与浮板与NFT高出15-20%25的效率。
- The instantaneous sediment transportof suspended and bed load are computed, and the sediment transport rates are time-averaged over one wave period. 计算了波浪周期内各个时刻瞬时的悬移质和推移质泥沙输沙率,并对输沙率进行时间平均求得时间平均的输沙率。
- The Neogene deposits with hominoid fossils in the Xiaohe - Leilao area, Yuanmou, Yunnan, are a se-quence of purple pebbly fine sandstone-siltstone with several yellow gravel beds. 云南元谋小河-雷老一带含古猿新近系(上第三系)是一套紫红色含砾细砂-粉砂岩,夹有多层黄色砂砾石层。
- Based on the study of sediment transport under the actions of tidal currents and wind waves, a mathematical model of suspended load and bed load for Yangtze Estuary is developed. 摘要通过对长江口径流、潮流和波浪共同作用下的泥沙运动规律的研究,开发并建立了长江口全沙(悬沙和底沙)数学模型。
- By the measured data of "9711" Typhoon wave,the process of bed load resuspending under the effect of "9711" Typhoon wave around the channal of Yangkou Harbour is calculated. 利用“9711”台风浪实测资料,计算了洋口港航道所在海区在“9711”台风浪作用下床沙的悬浮上扬过程,得出洋口港航道不具备骤淤的可能性。
- Modeling Method of Bed Load Transport Rate in Rivers with Gravel and Cobble Bed 卵砾石河流推移质输沙率的模拟计算方法
- The Yalin's bed load formula and Einstein's suspended load carring power formula have been used as a control to obtain sediment transport and sediment delivery ratio on the hillslope in the mountain watershed. 用Yalin推移质公式和Eim-stein悬移质挟沙能力公式作为控制,求出了坡面径流的输沙量和泥沙输移比。
- My father scratched gravel for Shanghai last night. 我父亲昨晚匆匆忙忙去了上海。