- Method to draw the line in the graphics object. 方法绘制图形对象中的行。
- Object, another type of graphics object that can paint. 对象,它是可以绘制的另一种类型的图形对象。
- Creates a new graphics object using the hdc parameter. 使用hdc参数创建新的图形对象。
- This animation is implemented by drawing to the Graphics object of the form. 此动画是通过对窗体的Graphics对象进行绘制实现的。
- Property controls the color of a graphics object when drawing one pattern on top of another. 属性控制在一个图案上绘制另一个图案时图形对象的颜色。
- Creates a rectangular clipping region and sets it as the clipping region for the graphics object of the form using. 将其设置为窗体图形对象的剪辑区域。
- All drawing done by a given Graphics object is restricted to the clip region of that Graphics object. 所有由给定的Graphics对象进行的绘制都限制在Graphics对象的剪辑区域中。
- Holds the data needed for drawing a control a handle to a graphics object and a rectangle object that represents the region to draw in. 保存绘制控件所需的数据,即表示绘制区域的图形对象或矩形对象的句柄。
- The event data passed to the event handler provides information on the panel to draw and a Graphics object to use to perform drawing tasks. 传递到事件处理程序的事件数据提供了关于要描述的面板和用来执行描述任务的Graphics对象的信息。
- The Graphics object provides a DrawRectangle method, and the Pen object stores attributes, such as line width and color. Graphics对象提供DrawRectangle方法,Pen对象存储属性(例如线宽和颜色)。
- The Graphics object provides the methods that actually do the drawing, and the Pen object stores attributes, such as line color, width, and style. Graphics对象提供进行实际绘制的方法,Pen对象存储属性,如直线的颜色、宽度和线型。
- Microsoft Office Graphic Object is not available when you are using Compatibility Mode in Word. 当在Word中使用兼容模式时,“Microsoft Office图形对象”将不可用。
- Shapes are stripped down movie clips that essentially only contain a graphics object for drawing in with the vector drawing API. 是一个仅仅包含,它一个是用于绘矢量图的图形容器。
- A graphic attribute that characterizes the graphic object is generated from the template. 从该模板中产生描述该图形对象的特征的图形属性。
- A user selects a graphic object, for example, and requests a transformation-Undo. The last transformation to have been applied to that selected object would be reversed. 例如,用户选择图形对象,并且请求一个变形的撤销,最后将会恢复已经应用到所选对象上的最后变形。
- Base class providing generic properties for various kinds of graphic objects. 为各种图形对象提供一般属性的基类。
- Contains implementation for selection, moving, resizing of graphic objects. 包含选择,移动,改变图形对象大小的实现。
- Creates internal pointer type variables and sets their values to the handle to the graphics object and to the current Windows halftone palette, respectively. 创建内部指针类型变量,并将它们的值分别设置为Graphics对象和当前Windows半色调调色板的句柄。
- OnPaint gets access to a graphics object and a rectangle to draw in through the Graphics and the ClipRectangle properties of the PaintEventArgs instance passed to it. OnPaint通过传递给它的PaintEventArgs实例的Graphics和ClipRectangle属性来访问图形对象以及要在其中进行绘制的矩形。
- In this paper, the structure of graphic media object is analyzed, and a graphic object data model is established based on the Dexter hypertext reference model. 本文在分析了图形媒体对象结构的基础上,运用Dexter超文本参考模型建立起一种图形对象的数据模型。 在该模型中,通过概括和聚集建立起对象的共享属性和操作机制;