- graphical data space 图形数据空间
- To display(graphic data)on a video terminal. 显示在视屏终端展示(图解资料)
- To display(graphic data) on a video terminal. 显示在视屏终端展示(图解资料)
- ID of the data space to which this file belongs. 此文件所属数据空间的ID。
- Generalizes the typical watermarking algorithms for CAD graphic data and their merits and drawbacks in space domain, transform domain and parametric domain respectively. 按空域、变换域及参数变换分类方法,概括了目前典型的针对CAD图形数据的数字水印算法,讨论了其优缺点。
- An extensible structure that contains definitions and associated data space. 字典:包含定义和伴生的资料空间的一个延伸性结构。
- IGES files contain graphical data in the form widely accepted by most CAD/CAM systems. IGES文件包含了被众多CAD/CAM系统所支持的通用形式。
- A graphical data modeling tool, allowing one to build Entity-Relation data models for use with Relational Databases (RDBMS). 这是个图形化的数据建模工具,可创建使用关系数据库的实体-关系数据模型。
- The latest RISC processor also guarantees high throughput speed which is perfect for large graphic data. 最新的RISC处理器进一步保证了快速的打印,并能够完美打印出较大的图片信息。
- The address of the next available data space location, i.e., the value returned by HERE. 资料空间尖:下个可利用的资料空间地点,即,价值的地址这里返回了。
- Expands to show properties for (Data Space Type), Filegroup or Partition Scheme Name, and Partition Column List. 展开以显示“(数据空间类型)”、“文件组或分区方案名称”和“分区列列表”的属性。
- An implementation like that makes use of the fact that functions like SUBSTR and LENGTH still work correctly on the GRAPHIC data type. SUBSTR和LENGTH等函数仍然可以正确地处理GRAPHIC数据类型,所以这样的实现是有效的。
- A program may address memory in data space regions made available by ALLOCATE or RESIZE and not yet released by FREE. 一个程式可以定址透过由ALLOCATE或RESIZE提供的、或是尚未由FREE释放的资料空间中的记忆体.
- You can build tabular reports for column-based data, matrix reports for summarized data, chart reports for graphical data, and free-form reports for everything else. 表格报表适用于基于列的数据,矩阵报表适用于汇总数据,图表报表适用于图形数据,而自由格式报表适用于所有其他情况。
- Internet and Intranet implementations demand text and graphic data types that RDBMSs have not fully integrated with their traditional numeric data. Internet和Intranet的实现要求文本和图形数据类型,而RDBMS尚不能完全把这两种类型数据与传统的数值型数据结合在一起。
- Threshold_percent specifies in megabytes the size that the database must reach before sqlmaint attempts to remove unused data space. Threshold_percent指定在sqlmaint尝试删除未使用数据空间之前,数据库必须达到的大小(MB)。
- An engineering graphic data warehouse is generated contained geometric shape data and related positional data,which are extracted from XML file. 从XML文件中提取几何形体,并确定其位置关系,形成了工程图形数据仓库。
- A continuous space on a direct access storage volume, occupied by or reserved for a particular data set, data space, or file. 直接存取存储卷中的一种连续空间,为一个特定的数据集、数据空间或文件所占据,或为其所保留。
- IGES Import for AutoCAD converts this graphical data into corresponding AutoCAD entities and adds them to the contents of the currently opened AutoCAD drawing. 本导入器将图形数据转换成AutoCAD的实体,并将它们写入当前打开的AutoCAD文件里。
- As it can reduce the dimensionality of data space and preserve the fault features, the algorithm greatly improve the performance of fault diagnosis. 该算法实现了数据降维和故障特征保留,有效地提高了故障诊断性能。