- Is there a link between smoking and lung disease? 吸烟与肺部疾病之间有关系吗?
- granulomatous lung disease 肉芽肿性肺病
- Conditions that predispose miners to lung disease. 易于引起矿工肺病的环境
- Everybody knows smoking causes lung disease. 人们都了解吸烟导致肺部疾病。
- Smoking cigarettes leads to lung disease. 吸烟导致肺病。
- John Hickam died of black lung disease in 1976. 约翰海堪在1976年死于黑肺症。
- Has any member of your family had lung disease? 中译)你的家族成员有肺部的疾病吗?
- But another risk factor is chronic obstructive lung disease. 但另一种危险因素是成为障碍的慢性肺
- A chronic, progressive lung disease caused by prolonged inhalation of asbestos particles. 石棉沉着病由长期吸收石棉微粒而引起的慢性,日趋严重的肺病
- The lung disease patient has been panting for breath. 那位肺病患者不停的捯气儿。
- Diagnosis: Rheumatoid lung disease, with fibrosis and honeycombing. 诊断:类风关肺部病变,并蜂窝样纤维化。
- A new specific has just been invented for your lung disease. 一种治疗你这种肺病的特效药问世了。
- The lung disease is caused by the same bacterium as bubonic plague. 这种肺病与黑死病一样,是由同一种杆菌引起的。
- Recent researche s showed that SOCS not only is related to system immunolgically mediated disea ses,but also plays an important role in many lung diseases... 近几年研究显示,SOCS不仅与全身免疫疾病有关,而且在哮喘、肺癌、急性肺损伤等肺部疾病中起重要作用。
- Is there a link between smoking and lung diseases? 吸烟和肺部疾患之间有关系吗?
- She was afflicted with lung diseases . 她患肺玻
- Coal miners often suffer from an illness called blacked lung disease. 矿工常患一种叫矽痨的疾病。
- Because of conditions in the mine,miners are predisposed to lung disease. 由于矿井的环境,矿工很容易患肺病。
- Asbestosis: Lung disease caused by long-term inhalation of asbestos fibres. 石绵沉着病:因长期吸入石绵纤维而引起的一种肺
- This is another form of obstructive lung disease known as bronchiectasis. 阻塞性肺病支气管扩张症。