- She wandered out onto the terrace. 她走到庭院的露台上。
- gradient terrace 内倾水平梯田
- We sat on the terrace in the evening. 晚上我们坐在平台上。
- This open-air terrace is really spacious. 这露台很宽敞。
- The terrace is paved with slabs of stone. 这个坛由石板铺成的。
- Do you wish to sit at a table on the terrace? 你想坐在阳台上的桌旁吗?
- Can you give me a table on the terrace? 可以安排在露台上吗?
- Furious, he came out on the terrace. 他怒不可遏地走到平台上来。
- The resulting solution is known as the gradient. 合成解就是通常的梯度风。
- A teak table and chairs furnish the roof terrace. 一套柚木桌椅装点着屋顶平台。
- The terrace channels are convenient for irrigation. 梯田的沟渠便于灌溉。
- An inclined surface; a slope or gradient. 斜面;斜坡或斜道
- The terrace afforded a fine view. 从屋顶平台上可以看到美好的景色。
- That terrace construct mainly by discard pipeline. 该平台主要采用报废油管建造。
- Gets or sets the center point of the path gradient. 获取或设置路径渐变的中心点。
- Gets the end color of the gradient used in the. 背景中使用的渐变的结束颜色。
- It is on this open-air terrace that they danced. 跳舞就在这露台上进行。
- Just click on the gradient image. 在渐变图象沙锅内单击。
- We'll have supper on the terrace. 我们将在阳台上用晚餐。
- Specifies a gradient from left to right. 指定从左到右的渐变。