- These carbazole dendrimers exhibited good thermal stability. 这些树状化合物都有很好的热稳定性。
- The thermogravimeric analysis (TGA) shows POSS has good thermal stability. 结构及TGA分析结果表明,所合成的POSS是一个含有不规整立体结构的混合物,在高温下具有较高的质量保持率。
- The result of TGA showed the phenolic foam had good thermal stability. 热重分析结果表明:泡沫体具有优秀的热稳定性能。
- The results showed that calcium methoxide exhibited strong basicity and good thermal stability. 实验结果表明:甲醇钙热稳定性好,碱性强;
- It has excellent pour point since it contains no wax, having a good thermal stability. 它具有优良的倾点,因为它不包含任何蜡,具有良好的热稳定性。
- Blends(aPP/iPP) had also good thermal stability than blends(EPT/iPP)from TG method. 热失重(TG)分析显示共混物(aPP/iPP)的热稳定性好于共混物(EPT/iPP)。
- The analysis results of TGA showed that the silicon-containing polyphosphazene had good thermal stability,which could be used as new flame retardant. 热分析研究表明,合成的含硅聚磷腈具有较好的热稳定性,可用于开发新型阻燃剂。
- These materials have better solubility in common solvents, easy film coating, good thermal stability, and good optical properties. 这些材料在普通溶剂中有较好的溶解性,易涂膜,热稳定性好,光学性能好,发光效率高。
- Ceramic fiber is widely applied in modern industry because of its acerose shape,good thermal stability and chemical stability as a filter material. 陶瓷纤维由于其纤细的形态,良好的热稳定性和化学稳定性,在现代工业中作为过滤材料得到了广泛的应用。
- The gellant is instant soluble in acid, and it has good thermal stability, antishearing property and salt resistance, etc. 该产品具有耐热酸水解、耐热稀释、抗剪切、抗盐降解性能。
- Material used to be dense trees made of wood: good thermal stability: to ensure long-term high temperature does not crack, not deformed. 基材要采用致密的乔木木材制成:热稳定性好:可以保证长期在高温下不开裂、不变形。
- The wire has good thermal stability, excellent electrical and mechanical properties. It's suitable for motors, meters, communication instrument and other electrical instrument. 该产品具有优良的热稳定性、电器性能和机械强度,适用于电机、电器、仪表和电讯设备的线圈绕组。
- The thermolysis properties of DNTF indicate that DNTF good thermal stability, the some common lead salts and cuprum salts can catalyze the thermolysis of DNTF. 热分解特性表明,DNTF具有较好的热稳定性,常用的铅盐、铜盐均能催化DNTF的热分解。
- Tests indicate that the fracturing fluid containing DCL KB possesses the advan tage of adjustable delayed crosslinking time, good thermal stability, quick breaking property. 以DCL-KB为主剂的压裂液耐温耐剪切性能好、滤失量小、破胶快速彻底,而且具有良好剪切恢复能力,可满足小眼井压裂的需要。
- Polybenzoxazole(PBO) ,which has unusually high strength,good thermal stability,outstanding resistance to oxidation and moisture, is always the study focus since 1980s. 聚苯并恶唑(PBO)因其具有的强度大、耐高温、耐氧化、耐潮湿以及优良的热稳定性等特点,自20世纪80年代以来一直是人们关注的热点之一。
- Isocyanate trimers possess characteristics of good thermal stability,lower viscosity,lower volatility and so on,and are widely used in preparation of polyurethane materials. 异氰酸酯三聚体具有热稳定性好、黏度和挥发性低等特点,在聚氨酯材料制备中得到广泛应用。
- Polyphosphate ester, with a good thermal stability and anti-combustion capability, is an additive fire retardant without any second pollution widely used in the applied field. 摘要聚磷酸酯具有良好的热稳定性和优良的阻燃性能,是应用领域十分广泛的添加型阻燃剂,不产生二次污染。
- In comparison with other akin plugging agent,YH-103 composite water shutoff/sealing agent has advantages of plugging,high strength,good thermal stability and long valid period. 与其它同类型的堵剂比较 ,它具有封堵强度高、热稳定性好、有效期长等优点。
- Through DSC and TGA analyses, the rare earth complexes show high decompound temperatures, which indicates a good thermal stability and benefit to intermingle with polymer. 由DSC和TGA测试得,这些稀土有机配合物具有良好的热稳定性,有利于其在有机材料中的掺杂。
- The experimental results show that the synthesized resin is a high oil-absorbent resin with fast oil-absorbent velocity, high oil-absorbability, good thermal stability. 实验结果表明:新合成的树脂是一种吸油速度快、吸油容量大、热稳定性好的高吸油性树脂。