- good smell and pure taste 香高味醇
- Excellent wine has a good smell and mellow taste. 香高味醇是美酒。
- Because it has very good smell and taste, it is a nutritious drink for people. 具有浓郁的豆奶香味,是老幼皆宜的理想饮品。
- This rose dry wine has a fragrant and pure taste with full-bodied smell of fruite. 桃色干红葡萄酒,口感清香纯正,果味浓郁。
- Liubao tea is a kind of compressed fermented tea with features of "red color, strong smell, longtime ferment and pure taste. 摘要六堡茶是一种后发酵紧压茶,品质特点是“红、浓、陈、醇”,传统工艺的特点是渥发酵、蒸压、陈化。
- This wine has a mellow and pure taste, so it must be an old wine from the family collection. 这杯酒味道纯厚,肯定是家藏的陈酿。
- It is white flammable nontoxic powder with good smell and with specific gravity of 1.095.It can dissolve in hot common solvent and acid ,but not in water,ethanol or aether . 白色易吸湿粉末,有愉快气味,可燃、无毒,比重1.;095,不溶于水、乙醇、乙醚,溶于热的普通溶剂和酸。
- The aromatic lychee martini vodka and pure taste of soft allows you to be an extraordinary experience. 荔枝马蒂尼的芳香和纯净伏特加的柔和口味能让您得到不同凡响的体验感受。
- Made with natural pyrethrum,it is well tested and passed by the technical experts. Very good smell and effective protection against mosquitoes.kill mosquito last for 8 hours. 本品采用高效拟除虫菊酯及天然优质原料科学精制而成,驱蚊能力强,气味芳香,对人体安全。
- Gingko(Gingko nuts)has ever been regarded by people as the superior among the foodstuffs.Owing to its rich nourishment and pure taste,it served as a wild rarity and tribute for the royal courts. 银杏(白果)自古到今就被人们作为食品中的上品,因其营养丰富、口味纯正,是民间不可多得的贡品野珍。
- Shutting off of senses of taste, smell and touch. 使丧失味觉,嗅觉和触觉。
- Can take off availably at the same time in addition to the strange smell and the miscellaneous articles or objects in the alcohol, the yield and pure degrees of the further increment alcohol. 同时能有效地脱除酒精中的异味和杂物,更进一步增加酒精的产量和纯度。
- Gingko (Gingko nuts) has ever been regarded by people as the superior among the foodstuffs.Owing to its rich nourishment and pure taste,it served as a wild rarity and tribute for the royal courts. 银杏(白果)自古到今就被人们作为食品中的上品,因其营养丰富、口味纯正,是民间不可多得的贡品野珍。
- My sister said: "Peanuts smell and taste nice. 姊姊说:“花生的气味很美。
- Luzhou Laojiao Daqu Liquor, as the representative of Luzhou-flavor liquors in China, is famous worldwide for its special styles of mellow and dense aroma, enjoyable aftertaste and pure taste. 泸州老窖大曲酒是中国浓香型白酒的典型代表,它以“醇香浓郁,饮后尤香,清洌甘爽,回味悠长”的独特风格驰名中外。
- Onion has a very strong smell and taste. 洋葱的气味和味道很浓烈.
- The medicine has a nasty smell and a nastier taste. 药闻起来令人作呕,尝起来更糟。
- Good smells and bad smells are fundamentally no different from each other; both are merely volatile molecules wafting off an object and providing some clue as to the thing that emitted them. 好的气味和不好的气味基本来说没什么不同;两者都只是在人体飘出的散发性分子,它们提供一些有关释放者的线索。
- Mirs Yunwu Cha no pollution, color, smell and taste sale. 大鹏云雾茶没有任何污染,色、香、味俱全。
- She's tall, blonde, twenty-three and pure as the driven snow. 她23岁,高个子,白肤金发碧眼,是个纯洁无瑕的姑娘。