- The mast went by the board in the storm. 那船桅在暴风雨中落于船外。
- The agreement has to be ratified by the board. 该协议必须由董事会批准。
- The president is appointed by the board of directors. 总经理由董事会任命。
- During the storm, some of the equipment on deck fell by the board. 在暴风雨中,甲板上的一些设备掉到海里去了。
- His nomination as chief executive was approved by the board. 他被提名为行政总裁的事被董事会批准了。
- The board decide to limit the overspend by the production department. 该董事会决定限制生产部门的过度花费。
- He was later removed by the Board of Directors. 后来他被董事会撤职了。
- The accounts were formally approved by the board. 账目已由董事会正式批准。
- The agreement have to be ratify by the board . 该协议必须由董事会批准。
- Money for a new school was voted by the board. 创办一所新学校的钱已由董事会通过。
- The plan for a picnic had to go by the board. 去野餐的计划已经落空了。
- The proposal is approved by the board. 董事会批准了此项建议。
- The proposal was approved by the board. 董事会批准了这项建议。
- gonw by the boardv. 越过船边落到水中(落空)
- Logic goes by the board in the face of danger. 面临危险,逻辑并不起作用。
- In spite of the president's support, the proposal was voted down by the other members of the board. 尽管有总裁的支持,这项建议最终还是被董事会其他成员否决了。
- The takeover attempt is turned down by the board. 兼并企图被董事会拒绝。
- Don't always say you're hobbled by the board. 你不要老说是受到委员会的制约。
- The old man thought too many people now let good manners go by the board. 这老人认为太多的人现在拋弃了礼貌修养。
- His appointment had been cleared by the board. 他的任命已由董事会批准。