- It's very hot in the cabin; let's go on deck. 舱室内很热, 我们到甲板上去吧。
- Fix emerged from his cabin and went on deck. 当天,费克斯就从他的房舱里出来了。
- Redruth took four guns and went on deck with Trelawney and the captain . 雷德拉斯拿了四枝枪和屈利劳尼及船长一起上了甲板。
- Fang then went on deck by himself and watched disconsolately as the ship drew up to the Kowloon wharf. 一个人上甲板,闷闷地看船靠傍九龙码头。
- Let's go up on deck and get some air. 我们到甲板上去透透气吧。
- He go on a refresher course in bookkeeping. 他继续学习笔记进修课程。
- During the storm, some of the equipment on deck fell by the board. 在暴风雨中,甲板上的一些设备掉到海里去了。
- It is not easy to make a simile go on all fours. 一个比喻要完全贴切是不容易的。
- He tears up the summons and go on holiday to spain. 他撕碎了传票并去西班牙度假。
- Hunter , Joyce , and Redruth were told what was happening , and were less surprised then we expected them to be .Then the captain went on deck to talk to the crew . 亨特、乔伊斯、雷德拉斯也知道了事情的真相,他们并不像我们想像的那么惊讶。
- We will play sports or go on a picnic. 我们将做户外运动或去野餐。
- Will they go on a picnic next week? 他们下星期将去野餐吗?
- The morning sun greeted us as we came out on deck. 当我们登上甲板,朝阳呈现在我们眼前。
- I always get the jitters before I go on stage. 我登台之前总是感到紧张。
- You'll crack up if you go on working so hard. 你继续这样拚命干下去,身体会吃不消的。
- On or to the upper parts of a ship; on deck. 在甲板上在船上部;向船前部的方向
- I had rather go on a picnic with my girl friend. 我宁愿和我的女朋友去野炊。
- I left him and went on deck. 我离开他走到甲板上。
- She's wanted to go on the stage from an early age. 她从小就想当演员。
- He promptly ordered all hands on deck. 他敏捷地命令所有官兵到甲板上来。