- The troops prepared themselves to go into battle. 部队准备开赴战场。
- Commanders must be ready to go into battle. 军事指挥员必须随时预备投入战斗。
- The troops were being prepared for battle/to go into battle. 部队已作好战斗准备[已准备好投入战斗].
- In the Gulf War, the Iraqi Air Force couldn't go into battle. 海湾战争中伊拉克的空军没有派上用场。
- After two days they went into battle again. 两天之后他们又投入战斗。
- Two days later they went into battle again. 两天以后他们又投入战斗。
- In certain circumstances,we may go into battle with a relatively or absolutely inferior force. 在某种情况下,也可以用相对劣势或绝对劣势兵力出现于战常。
- They customarily went into battle side by side with their men. 他们向来都同士兵并肩作战。
- When you are about to go into battle, the priest shall come forward and address the army. 你们将要上阵的时候,祭司要到百姓面前宣告
- In certain circumstances, we may go into battle with a relatively or absolutely inferior force. 在某种情况下,也可以用相对劣势或绝对劣势兵力出现于战常
- The drums gave us a marching rhythym as we went into battle. 当我们投入战斗时,锣鼓击打出前进的节奏。
- "Do poineering work board roll out, won't brash go into battle, also won't do the work of cook a meal without rice. “创业板的推出,不会仓促上阵,也不会去做无米之炊的工作。”
- The major contest is around the corner, we should go into battle with a light pack. 大赛在即,我们应该轻装上阵。
- Nemanja Vidic is one such player who will gladly go into battle flanked by this Brazilian bundle of energy. “他本赛季打得每一场比赛都说明他很有进步。即便在训练中,老队员也对他的热情和能力表示赞叹。”
- Though they blow the trumpet and get everything ready, no one will go into battle, for my wrath is upon the whole crowd. 他们已经吹角,预备齐全,却无一人出战,因为我的烈怒临到他们众人身上。
- Narnia...where horses talk and hermits like company, where evil men turn into donkeys, where boys go into battle... and where the adventure begins. 拉尼亚是马儿会说话,隐士不隐居,坏人是笨蛋的地方,是男孩子投入战斗的地方,也是历险开始的地方。
- Xiong Minghua of CTO of banquet of Tecent CEO Ma Huateng, couplet inside many tall canal personally go into battle, participated in design development. 腾讯CEO马化腾、联席CTO熊明华在内的多名高管都亲自上阵,参与了设计开发。
- The same principle also applies when we go into battle with an absolutely inferior force,for example,when a guerrilla force makes a surprise attack on a large White army force,but is attacking only a small part of it. 绝对劣势,例如游击队袭击白军大队伍,仅仅是袭击其一小部分,同样适用上述的原则。
- Most of the maniples went into battle as separate blocks of men in a square formation that looked something like a checkerboard from above. 大多数“战团”投入战斗的时候,会独立形成一个个方阵,看上去好象一幅国际象棋棋盘的样子。
- Do 2002 effluence MAX2 surpass my upper computer play fist emperor going into battle? 您的位置:我也知道>电脑/网络>我电脑上玩拳皇2002发不出MAX2超杀?