- He walked along the bank of the river. 他沿着河堤走。
- He ran faster and faster along the bank of the river. 沿着河他跑的越来越快。
- My wife and I are walking along the banks of the river. 我和我的妻子正沿着河岸走着。
- The old man was plodding wearily along the bank of the river. 这个老人无聊的沿着河岸缓缓地向前走。
- New buildings have been built up along the banks of the river. 河的两岸建起一幢幢新房。
- I came round along the bank of the lake. 我绕湖岸而来。
- Which sits along the bank of the Yalu River and faces Korea across the river. 和朝鲜隔江相望的城市看一看。
- D: Biking along the banks of the river Danube could be fun. 沿着多瑙河河岸骑自行车应该蛮好玩的。
- Biking along the banks of the river Danube could be fun. 沿着多瑙河河岸骑单车应该蛮好玩的。
- The bank of the river was well treed. 河岸绿树成阴。
- The park borders on the bank of the river. 那个公园靠近河岸。
- The boats coursed along the west bank of the river. 小船沿着河的西岸前进。
- go along the bank of the river 沿着河岸走
- We searched all along the banks of the stream. 我们沿小溪两岸搜寻。
- We roamed the banks of the river gathering flowers. 我们边采着花边漫步河岸。
- In the hot summer afternoon,mum and some children in the villiage always frolicked along the banks of the river. 在不得已的情况下,在一年半之前解散了。学校里的学生也都去附近的学校上学了。
- They had a walk along the bank of the stream. 他们沿着河岸散步。
- We countermined the banks of the river. 我们将计就计地战胜了敌人。
- We are going to the bank of the river. 我们打算去江边
- In China, cars go along the right side of the road. 在中国,汽车靠马路右侧行驶。