- Whoever goes against the tide of history will come to no good end. 阻挡历史前进的人都没有好下
- attempt to go against the tide of history 倒行逆施
- He doesn't have the courage to go against the tide of public opinion. 他没有违反民意的勇气。
- The tide of public opinion seems to be turning against the government. 公众舆论的趋向看来是转向不利于政府的方向。
- The attempt to let one concept and one culture dominate the world and negate the unique tradition and independent choice of each country goes against the tide of the democratization of international relations. 企图在全世界推行一种观念、一种文化,否定各国的独特传统和自主选择,与国际关系民主化的潮流背道而驰。
- It once again proves that no one can stem the tide of history. 这再一次地证明,历史的潮流是谁也阻挡不住的。
- Those who go against the trend of history will be cast aside by the people. 逆历史潮流而动的人终将被人民所唾弃。
- It is the tide of the times, an inevitability of history. 这是时代的潮流,历史的必然。
- It is the tide of the times,an inevitability of history. 这是时代的潮流,历史的必然。
- If she should cry, she'll go against the hair of her profession. 如果她哭起来,将不符合她的职业身份。
- It takes courage to speak out against the tide of opinion. 跟舆论趋向唱反调需要勇气。
- We must not ignore the tide of popular opinion. 我们切不可忽视舆论的倾向。
- Teenagers often go against the stream. 青少年经常反潮流而动。
- The tide of the battle turned against us. 战况变得对我们不利。
- I wouldn't advise you to go against the director. 我反对你和经理对着干。
- He went on summing up experience, seeking new ideas and courageously advancing with the tide of history. 他不断地总结经验,追求新的思想,勇敢地同历史的进程一道前进。
- The boat made slow headway against the tide. 那船逆着潮水缓慢地前进。
- I will never go against the dictate of my father. 我永远也不会违背父命。
- The history of 50 years since the peaceful liberation of Tibet shows that the trend of the times cannot be checked, and the tide of history is irreversible. 西藏和平解放五十年的历史表明,时代潮流不可阻挡,历史车轮不可逆转。
- The monolith, he suggested, was doomed by the tides of history. 他指出,铁板一块的观念是注定要被历史的潮流所淹没的。