- Are these not great and glorious achievements? 难道这些不是伟大且光荣的成就吗?
- Without yesterday's industrious working, How can we enjoy today's glorious achievements? 没有往昔的辛勤耕耘哪有成绩辉煌的今天?
- Our country's free exercise used to gain glorious achievements in the Olympic Games. 我国的自由体操在奥运会上取得过辉煌的成绩。
- Get a perfect combination of elegance and fashion, keep the high quality and trusty cooperation, and sincerely hope that we can create a more glorious achievements together. 将典雅与时尚完美结合,秉承一如既往的高品质,诚信合作。并衷心希望与您携手共同创造更辉煌的成就。
- The memorable days and glorious achievements of the 80 years of our Party leading the people to fight are like a huge picture scroll unfurled before the people of the world, meandering yet full of power and grandeur, vigorous yet bright and colorful. 我们党领导人民奋斗八十年的峥嵘岁月和光荣业绩,如同一幅逶迤而又气势磅礴、雄浑而又绚丽多彩的画卷,展现在世人面前。
- The memorable days and glorious achievements of the 80 years of our Party leading the people to fight are like a huge picture scroll unfurled before the people of the world,meandering yet full of power and grandeur,vigorous yet bright and colorful. 我们党领导人民奋斗八十年的峥嵘岁月和光荣业绩,如同一幅逶迤而又气势磅礴、雄浑而又绚丽多彩的画卷,展现在世人面前。
- That scandal he was involved in before detracts from his glorious achievement. 他以往卷入的那件丑闻已使他的光辉业绩大为逊色。
- How great these persons are, their glorious achievement guides me toward a great of the ideal of the mathematician. 这些人都是多么伟大,他们的光辉事迹指引着我朝着做一个伟大的数学家的理想迈进。
- When the first spring wind flows through, Meilong is a developing hot land. Wind-opon Meilong will provide you excellent chance of development to create glorious achievement. 新世纪的第一缕春风掠过之时,梅陇是一片正在蓬勃发展的热土。开放的梅陇,将给你提供纵横捭阖发展的良机,将为你创造奋力搏击铸造辉煌业绩的机遇。
- Our country has a glorious past. 我们的国家有一段光辉的历史。
- Is a beautiful electric appliances in country particularly well worth mentioningly, this catena business enterprise group, in very short 20 yearses, obtained the glorious achievement. 尤其值得一提的就是国美电器,这个连锁企业集团,在短短的20年里,取得了辉煌的成就。
- The soldiers won the glorious victory. 战士们赢得了光荣的胜利。
- The woman always disparages my achievements. 那个女人常贬低我的成就。
- He does not plume himself on these achievements. 他并不因这些成就而自夸。
- We must not be complacent about our achievements. 我们决不能满足于自己的成绩。
- Our Party is a great, glorious and correct Party. 我们的党是一个伟大、光荣、正确的党。
- I marvel at his tremendous achievements. 对他的巨大成就我感到惊叹。
- The team won a glorious victory. 这支球队赢得了辉煌胜利。
- I had a glorious time at the seaside. 我在海滨度过了一段极其愉快的时光。
- We had a glorious time at the seaside. 我们在海边度过了愉快的时光。