- So where are the headlines warning of gloom and doom this time? 那么这次警告人们厄运来临的头版新闻都到哪里去了呢?
- To dramatize the gloom and doom of the second budget,city officials printed it on purple paper and used black poster boards in the public presentation. 为了强调第二个预算之令人极端忧郁与绝望,市府官员在向各界解说时,把它印在紫色纸上,并使用黑色展示板。
- James Agarwal of Bangalore based ABC Coonsultants, said:"The gloom and doom is being overstated. 设在班加罗的abc咨询公司的詹姆斯·阿加沃说:“悲观、劫数难逃的说法有些被夸大了。
- James Agarwal of Bangalore?based ABC Coonsultants, said:"The gloom and doom is being overstated. 设在班加罗的abc咨询公司的詹姆斯·阿加沃说:“悲观、劫数难逃的说法有些被夸大了。
- This added further gloom and doom to the already fragile stock markets and economies. 这增加了深一层的沮丧气氛到已经脆弱的股市和经济。
- Every time a floundering friend or family member serves gloom and doom, you bounce it back with adulatory optimism. 每次一位挣扎的朋友或家人发出”黑暗和毁灭”之球,你就以一记“成年人的乐观”回击。
- But the current gloom and doom among investors in the region might yet prove overdone. 但是这一地区的投资者的悲观情绪似乎有点过火。
- However, among all the gloom and doom, A.T.Kearney's report did have some good news. 然而,在所有的黑暗和悲观,美国科尔尼管理顾问公司的报告也有一些好消息。
- To dramatize the gloom and doom of the second budget, city officials printed it on purple paper and used black poster boards in the public presentation. 为了强调第二个预算之令人极端忧郁与绝望,市府官员在向各界解说时,把它印在紫色纸上,并使用黑色展示板。
- It's comforting to know that amidst all the gloom and doom, a few of the rich are still engaging some good old fashioned, eight-figure indulgence. 在前景黯淡的时局下,知道有的有钱人照样在一些老派的嗜好上一掷千金实在是件令人欣慰的事情。
- We understand the environment, but these days, in all the gloom and doom of the news, we want to have people take notice and realize that they need to have some fun, she said. 她说:“我们了解目前的境况,但这些日子以来,到处都是低沉沮丧的消息,所以我们想引起人们的注意,并想让他们意识到需要出去找点乐子了。”
- Gloom and sadness are poisons to the soul. 抑郁和悲伤是心灵的毒药。
- And deny my God and doom my soul. 拒绝神,叫我的灵魂走向毁灭。
- Life's not all gloom and despondency. 生活并不都是悲观和失望。
- James Agarwal of Bangalore based ABC Coonsultants,said:'The gloom and doom is being overstated.' 设在班加罗的ABC咨询公司的詹姆斯·阿加沃说:“悲观、劫数难逃的说法有些被夸大了。”
- The morning light could not free itself from gloom and frost. 晨光驱散不了阴霾和严寒。
- There was an air of gloom and despair hanging over us. 一种忧郁和绝望的气氛笼罩着我们。
- Will drive away the clouds of gloom and coax the sun again. 会驱走心头阴郁的乌云,心底收获一轮夕阳。
- Will drive asay the ciouds of gloom and coax the sun again. 会驱走心头阴郁的乌云,让心底收获一轮夕阳。
- He had no vision of her after this that was anything but darkness and doom. 从此以后,他在幻觉中看到她总是充满了阴郁,凶多吉少。