- And a new type sphere-conical roller and globoid cam graduator is designed. 并在此基础上设计出了一种新型的球锥滚子弧面凸轮转位工作台。
- An adaptive NC programming algorithm of globoidal cams is proposed in this paper based on the constancy of feed rate and the control of chord error. 提出了一种基于进给速度恒定和控制弓高误差的弧面凸轮自适应数控编程算法。
- Tsay, D. M., Ho, H. C., and Wang K. C., “Design of Torque Balancing Cams for Globoidal Cam Indexing Mechanisms,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design (submitted). 林博正,1996,“滚子轮式凸轮机构之合成及分析”,国立中山大学机械工程研究所博士论文。
- Based on the linearly gearing cone roller and globoid cam mechanism, we design out the sphere-conical roller, which can make point contact with the corresponding globoid cam. 在线啮合圆锥滚子弧面凸轮机构的基础上,设计出一种对圆锥滚子进行修形后的球锥滚子,使其和原来由圆锥滚子创成的弧面凸轮形成点啮合。
- A general-purpose follower displacement curve data sheet,fulfilling various kind of law of motion,is implemented for the globoid cam mechanisms used in an automatic tool changer. 本文根据自动换刀装置中弧面分度凸轮的工作特点,设计具有升程和回程段的弧面凸轮从动件通用位移曲线。
- Based on the linearly gearing cone roller and globoid cam mechanism, we design out the sphere-conical roller, which can do point contact with the corresponding globodial cam. 在线啮合圆锥滚子弧面凸轮机构的基础上,根据点啮合理论原理,设计出一种新型的球锥形滚子,使其和原来由圆锥滚子创成的弧面凸轮形成点啮合。
- planet globoidal cams reducer mechanisms 行星弧面凸轮减速机构
- continuous indexing globoidal cams 连续分度弧面凸轮
- Research on the Globoidal Cam's Profile Tolerance 弧面凸轮廓面误差的研究
- CAD The Three Dimensional CAD of the Globoidal Cam 弧面分度凸轮的三维
- Visual Design of Complex Globoid Cam 复杂弧面凸轮的可视化设计
- The CAD Syetem Study of Globoid Cam Equips 弧面分度凸轮装置CAD系统的研究
- Keywords Globoid Cam;pressure angle;curvature;ATC; 弧面凸轮;压力角;诱导主曲率;ATC;
- A Brand-new Profile Correction Method of Globoidal Cam 一种全新的弧面凸轮廓面修形方法
- The kinematics research of globoid cam of ATC in machining center 数控加工中心ATC弧面分度凸轮运动学问题研究
- A New Type Globoid Cam Mechanism and Its Application 一种新型的弧面凸轮机构及应用
- Study the question of the seriation design of globoid cam handlers 弧面凸轮机械手系列化问题的探讨
- Keywords Globoid Cam;Machining;Error;Calculation Way; 蜗形凸轮;加工;误差;计算方法;
- Miss Cam is qualified for joining the club. 兰蒙小姐有资格参加俱乐部。
- Position Accuracy Analysis on Swing Motion of Globoidal Cam Type ATC 弧面凸轮式ATC回转动作位置精度分析