- A half-moon caused the rippling sea to glitter. 半月于微波的海面闪闪发亮。
- The burglar choked off her scream. 强盗卡住她的脖子,不许她叫出声来。
- I'll try go get home before the roads glitter over. 我想尽量在道路结冰前赶回家。
- His joke made us scream with laughter. 他的笑话逗得我们大笑。
- He stared at me with a cruel glitter in his eyes. 他眼露凶光地瞪着我。
- The man began to scream horribly. 那人开始可怕地尖叫起来。
- glitter scream 闪屏
- I could hear her scream through the howling of the storm. 我在暴风雨呼啸之中仍听得见她的尖叫声。
- He'll scream blue murder if you promote Jack instead of him. 如果你提升杰克而不提升他,他会大吵大闹的。
- All of a sudden a piercing scream broke the silence. 突然,刺耳的尖叫声打破了寂静。
- The gloss and glitter of Hollywood seemed fascinating to the girl. 好莱坞的虚荣与繁华似乎强烈吸引着这个女孩。
- A sinister inhuman scream rang out across the moors. 沼泽地里突然响起不像是人的不祥的尖叫声。
- There fell upon my ears a most startling scream. 我听到一声非常可怕的尖叫。
- Dirt glitter when the sun happen to shine. 太阳照耀下,污垢也闪光。
- Wealth's glitter never washed a foul life clean. 财富的光辉永远洗不净肮脏的生涯。
- The piercing scream curdled her blood. 那刺耳的尖叫把她吓得毛骨悚然。
- The morning dews glitter in the sun. 晨露在阳光下闪烁。
- The woman's scream dinned for minutes. 那个女人的惨叫声持续了数分钟。
- Semidouble mauve star/darker fantasy, glitter edge. 半重瓣淡紫色星形花,有深色的喷点,耀眼的镶边。
- The horrific scream jarred the silent night. 可怕的尖叫划破了夜的宁静。