- I'll give a glimpse into the design of monsters for MMV. 我将把一瞥给进为MMV怪物的设计。
- Place names: just a name or a glimpse into the past? 地名:只是一个名字或是对过去的一瞥?
- These provide a glimpse into a very different, hopefully interesting world. 此序幕将让您瞥见黄尧与众不同的世界。
- This is just a small glimpse into some of his accolades as an artist. 这些只是他作为一名艺人,所获成就的小小一瞥。
- Peapod is giving us glimpse into the future of shopping-virtual store. 豆荚让我们看到了虚拟购物的未来前景.
- Every experience is a footstep into the future. Every failure or success is a glimpse into the future. 人生中,每一次的经验都是前进的基石;生命里,每一次的成败都是未来的借镜。
- This provides a glimpse into where your gross sales, net income, net worth, etc. 这可以提供你们销售总额,纯收入,资产净值等情况。
- Discover rich heritage, glimpse into unique traditions and savour tasty cuisines. 发现新加坡丰富的文化遗产,感受她独特的传统,品尝美味的菜肴。
- He had lifted the veil for the first time, and allowed me a glimpse into the secret world which bound the Ring of Five together. 他已经首次拉开了帷幕让我瞥一眼把“五人间谍网”结合在一起的那个秘密世界。
- This selection of photographic work will provide a glimpse into different aspects of social life within Dhaka city. 这些挑选出来的摄影作品将会从不同角度一瞥达卡城内社会生活的方方面面。
- The last time the NIC published its quadrennial glimpse into the future was December 2004. 美国国家情报委员会上次发表其4年一次的未来发展报告是在2004年12月。
- While it glosses over things, the article is a glimpse into the evolving world of the NBA's statistical revolution. 虽然它掩盖了一些事实,这篇文章还是对NBA的统计革命发展的一种瞥见。
- However, the glimpse into Hogwarts that Rowling provides complicates this notion as well. 在霍格沃茨罗琳也提出了一个复杂的关于这个的概念。
- DIARY OF A SEX ADDICT is the erotic and disturbingly arousing glimpse into the obsessive life of a sexual compulsive. 韩森苗,一个过著双重生活的人;
- The first day and evening went well, and Arlene was delighted to have this rare glimpse into how the very wealthy live. 第一天过得还算不错。阿琳难得有这样一个机会体验如此奢华的生活,兴奋极了。
- A glimpse into the lives of the Bedouin who have survived over thousands of years in the desert. 来看看在沙漠生存千年的贝多因人的生活。
- The forum provided an uncommon glimpse into the most personal beliefs of Clinton and rivals John Edwards and Barack Obama. 希拉里与其他两位角逐者约翰·爱德华和巴拉克·奥巴马齐聚论坛,谈论个人信仰,实在是件很难得的事。
- This list of books and essays provides a mere glimpse into an enormous literature on photography and the landscape of place. 这一书籍与文章清单仅能提供窥探浩如烟海的摄影学文献以及地方风景的一瞥而已。
- This richly illustrated volume offers readers an exclusive and private glimpse into over 30 luxurious ambassadors' residences in Berlin. 这本内容丰富的书籍为读者展现了30多所位于柏林的豪华高级的大使馆住宅。
- Greenpeace called it "a glimpse into an apocalyptic future." Friends of the Earth dubbed it "a looming humanitarian catastrophe". 绿色和平组织称它为“未来启示录的瞥见”,地球友人(英国媒体)称它为“人道主义灾难的预现”。