- To give glory,honor,or high praise to; exalt. 赞美给荣耀、荣誉或高度赞扬歌颂;颂扬
- To give glory, honor, or high praise to;exalt. 赞美给荣耀、荣誉或高度赞扬歌颂;颂扬
- To give glory to, especially through worship. 崇拜给荣誉,尤指通过崇拜
- To give glory, honor, or high praise to; exalt. 赞美给荣耀、荣誉或高度赞扬歌颂;颂扬
- What care I for the wreaths that can only give glory? 对于只给予人荣誉的花环我又何所挂怀?
- Let them give glory to the Lord and proclaim his praise in the islands. 他们当将荣耀归给耶和华,在海岛中传扬他的颂赞。
- KJV] Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth's sake. [新译]耶和华啊!不要把荣耀归给我们,不要归给我们;要因你的慈爱和信实把荣耀归在你的名下。
- Therefore in the east give glory to the Lord; exalt the name of the Lord, the God of Israel, in the islands of the sea. 因此,你们要在东方荣耀耶和华;在众海岛荣耀耶和华以色列上帝的名。
- Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. 你们的光也当这样照在人前,叫他们看见你们的好行为,便将荣耀归给你们在天上的父。
- Give glory to the LORD your God before he brings the darkness, before your feet stumble on the darkening hills. 耶和华你们的神未使黑暗来到,你们的脚未在昏暗山上绊跌之先,当将荣耀归给他;
- Give glory to the LORD your God, before he cause darkness, and before your feet stumble upon the dark mountains, and, while ye look for light, he turn it into the shadow of death, and make it gross darkness. 耶和华你们的神未使黑暗来到,你们的脚未在昏暗山上绊跌之先,当将荣耀归给他;免得你们盼望光明,他使光明变为死荫,成为幽暗。
- Wherefore ye shall make images of your emerods, and images of your mice that mar the land; and ye shall give glory unto the God of Israel: peradventure he will lighten his hand from off you, and from off your gods, and from off your land. 所以当制造你们痔疮的像和毁坏你们田地老鼠的像,并要归荣耀给以色列的神,或者他向你们和你们的神,并你们的田地,把手放轻些。
- So you shall make likenesses of your tumors and likenesses of your mice that ravage the land, and you shall give glory to the God of Israel; perhaps He will ease His hand from you, your gods, and your land. 撒上6:5所以当制造你们痔疮的像、毁坏你们田地老鼠的像、要归荣耀给以色列的神、者他向你们和你们的神、你们的田地、手放轻些。
- "Abraham was strong in faith, giving glory to God; being fully persuaded that, what He had promised, He was able also to perform" (Rom. Iv. “亚伯拉罕因信,心里得坚固;将荣耀归给神,且满心相信,神所应许的必能作成。
- The shepherds then returned giving glory and praise to God for all they had heard and seen, just as the angels had told them. 牧人们为了他们所听见和看见的一切,正如天使向他们说的一样,就光荣赞美天主回去了。
- And hearing these things they said nothing more, but gave glory to God, saying, Then to the Gentiles as to us has God given a change of heart, so that they may have life. 18众人听见这话、就不言语了,只归荣耀与神、说、这样看来、神也赐恩给外邦人、叫他们悔改得生命了。
- Andy said she would give me the live dope. 安迪说她可以向我提供最新的内部消息。
- It means to give the most-needed and timely aid. 它的意思是给予最需要的及时的帮助。
- Can you give me a definition of this word? 你能告诉我这个单字的定义吗?
- Romans 4:20-21 Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. 罗马书4:20-21并且仰望神的应许,总没有因不信心里起疑惑,反倒因信心里得坚固,将荣耀归给神,且满心相信神所应许的必能做成。