- give away all one has 倾其所有
- He wants to give away all his modern possessions and return to nature. 他要舍弃一切时髦的东西而归真返璞。
- We are giving away all our surplus apples. 我们准备把多余的苹果全部送人。
- He has given away all his money to the beggar. 他把所有的钱都送给乞丐了。
- He has given away all his money. 他把钱都送给别人了。
- FRANK: You do not want to give away all your books. 法兰克:你不会都不要了吧。
- She gave away all her money to the poor. 她把她所有的钱都送给了穷人。
- Miss Diana gave away all her castoffs to the little girls in the orphan asylum. 戴安娜小姐把她所有穿旧不用的衣服送给了孤儿院的小女孩。
- He has given away all his books to the National Library. 他把所有的书都赠给了国家图书馆。
- He give away all his modern possessions and returned to nature. 他舍弃一切时髦的东西而返璞归真。
- Yes, losing chess, that game where you win if you give away all your pieces, and you must make a capture if one is possible. 是的,‘输’棋,如果你的所有子都被吃掉你就赢了,并且如果可以的话你必须吃子。
- She has given away all her money to someone who needs it best. 她把自己所有的钱都给了最需要的人。
- He gave away all his modern possessions and returned to nature. 他舍弃一切时髦的东西而返璞归真。
- When I grow up, I give away all my toys to my brothers. 我长大后,把所有的玩具都。
- And in this dog-eat-dog world, if money cant be depended on to bring one any sense of achievement, power is all one has left. 在这个竞争激烈的世界里,如果不靠金钱来给人带来某种成就感,那就只剩下权力了。
- It does not mean that you should give away all your wealth. 但那并不意味着你要把你所有的财富都分给大家。
- All in good time, dear. I don't want to give away all my secrets! 别急,亲爱的。我可不想一下子把秘密都透漏给你。
- If I give away all my possessions, and ifI hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not have love, I gainnothing. 就算我拿所有的财物周济穷人,就算我能做出舍己为人的壮举,但如果没有爱,我仍将一无所有。
- They're giving away all the clothes you can grab. 你能拿到多少衣服,通通是你的。
- He gave away all his money to the poor. 他把所有的钱都捐送给了穷人。