- The system will give an alarm based on the probability mentioned above. 当上述概率超过了给定的阈值时,系统将发出警报。
- When the machine meets the trebles, it will display and give an alarm auto . 在预备和待机状态时机器自动清洗滚轴,防止结晶出现。
- Experiment shows that it can give an alarm before tire explorations, and bring a more effective way to inspect tire.It is trusty and easy to spread. 实验表明该系统可以达到全面预警爆胎的作用,为监测轮胎压力和温度提供了一个行之有效的方法,功能可靠,适于推广。
- It can measure, give an alarm, adjust the temperature&humidity and change initial value automaticly.It's lowcost, high ability in anti -jamming, more abroad application area etc. 该系统可以自动或通过键盘选择通道后检测、报警、调节室内温度和湿度,并且可以改变初始设定值,具有成本低、抗干扰能力强、使用范围更加广泛等优点。
- MA can collect information on the node, SS can concentrate data on MS and give an alarm to manager.This system can inspect misapplication and abnormity. 系统由分布在网络各节点的监测代理(MA)收集信息,在统计服务器(SS)上进行数据集中和归并,最终由管理服务器(MS)进行分析,向管理员发出报警信息。
- Experiments and trial operation show that the system can automatically detect the trouble parking in tunnel and give an alarm. 系统试运行表明,该系统能自动检测隧道内的故障停车并发出报警信号。
- The blue back glorifies fad , have the function , password giving an alarm protecting a function, the screen protects a function waiting. 时尚蓝色背光,具有报警功能,密码保护功能,屏幕保护功能等。
- While giving an alarm or the important analog quantitychanges, RTU can transmit the information to the control center initiatively and in time. 当报警或重要的模拟量发生变化时,RTU能主动及时将这些信息传送到控制中心。
- The TD series electric which is made of straining sensor and microkit has the funcion of wiping offtare,addingup weight,giving an alarm of hitch amd calculating. TD系列电子天平是由应变式传感器与微机组合而成的电子天平。具有去皮重、累计称量、故障报警、计数等功能。
- If the sentinel meerkat sees a predator such as a hawk approaching the group, it gives an alarm cry alerting the other meerkats to run and seek shelter. 站岗的meerkat站在洞口附近,一旦发现危险,可以立即跑进洞中,成为最有可能逃离危险的一个,那些东出去找食物的同类反倒更危险。
- First, the EWMA control chart is applied to monitor the process output on line, and will give an alarm of abnormal processing for assignable causes that may deteriorate product quality. 首先,利用EWMA管制图对制程输出进行线上监控,针对造成产品品质变差的可指派原因,发出制程异常警报。
- The machine equips with intelligent press watch that can disolqy is inside press,co-work with the system of extruding,protect machine, and give an alarm it over press till the machine is turned off. 配备智能压力显示器,能随时显示挤出机内挤出压力,并可与挤出系统连动,在超压的情况下报警直至停机,保护设备。
- A judge must give an objective opinion. 评判员必须发表公正的意见。
- Forms of giving an alarm can be sonance(or voice), color, character and pop-up window for calling attention to make a choice. 告警型式可以有声音(或语音)、颜色、文字及弹出窗口提示选择。
- If you hear an alarm, leave the building immediately. 要是听见警报,马上离开大楼。
- Give an alarm when the water is full 水满蜂鸣报警
- Give an opinion; give an excuse. 表明意见; 给一个借口
- The royal ballet will give an excellent performance at the concert. 皇家芭蕾舞团将在音乐会上作一次出色的表演。
- A thermistor operates an alarm lamp. 热敏电阻操动报警灯。
- The singer gave an erratic performance. 演唱者未唱出水平。