- give a person the worst of it 击败某人
- You can give a person the opportunity to do sth but he may still refuse to do it. 牵马到水边易,逼马饮水难(即使给某人机会,他也不一定利用)。
- Industrialized human relation, always give a person the sense of dryasdust. 工业化的人际关系,总给人干巴巴的感觉。
- You always see the worst way a person can die. 你总是能看见人们以最难看的方式死去。
- agrees with bingle person, be full of it seems that childish, give a person the sense with joy. 半球式的帽子适合于短发者,看起来充满孩子气,给人以快乐的感觉。
- We give a quick and loose description of it. 我们来迅速而粗略地对它作一个描述。
- In their view education can give a person the ability to look at contemporary problems in a sophisticated way. 他们认为教育能赋予一个人老成练达地来看当代问题的能力。
- Abstract a book, give a summary of it. 抽出一本书,给它做一个概要。
- Declining woodiness structure housetop, declining berth, give a person the appreciate that has no before and pleasure. 倾斜的木质结构屋顶,倾斜的睡床,给人以前所未有的体味与乐趣。
- Spend pear ligneous platform to still can give a person the flavor with fragrance especially. 尤其是花梨木质的地台还可给人以芬芳的气息。
- Because of colour of the hyperbole of hysteria disease, performance, often give a person the sense of a kind of malinger. 因癔症的夸张、表演色彩,常给人一种装病的感觉。
- It's a shallow life that doesn't give a person a few scars. 浅薄乏味的生活,无法给人留下深刻的痕迹。
- Adult can need not them " excelsior " decorate heat to force pure, lovely children, can give a person the sense of a kind of mincing, arrogant on account of one's seniority otherwise. 成年人大可不必把他们的“精益求精”的装修热强加给单纯、可爱的孩子们,否则会给人一种装腔作势、老气横秋的感觉。
- You certainly gave a good imitation of it up till this morning. 那你装得可够象的,一直装到今天早晨。
- Under photograph comparing, sale of current and native land lube travels " big " the leading role that lacks to unite however, give a person the impression that leave, more be a kind deserted Bacchic. 相比之下,当前本土润滑油营销传播“大片”却缺乏一个统一的主角,给人留下的印象,更多的是一种空空荡荡的喧闹。
- The metallic simple sense that cold gray moves gives a person the sense with spell able, nobility, show exalted aristocratic breath everywhere. 冷灰色调的金属质感给人以干练、高贵的感觉,处处表现出高尚的贵族气息。
- Can you give a detailed account of the equipment? 你能详细介绍一下设备的情况吗?
- Thematic wall gives a person the sense that forestall one's opponent by a show of strength, whole metope does not have any complex designs. 主题墙给人先声夺人的感觉,整个墙面没有任何复杂的设计。
- On the wall body that leans a bed closely, dig have 3 small diamonds, inside buy tube, medicinal powder the light that give out gives a person the downy sense like dusk. 在紧靠床的墙体上,挖有3个小方块,内置灯管,散发出的光线给人黄昏般柔和的感觉。
- Worst of all, the church, so largely apostate as it is, comes in to give a more furious force to the sifting process. 更糟的是,教会中变节背道的层出不穷,使得动荡不安的局面,更是雪上加霜,变本加厉。