- John's falling asleep; just give him a dig! 约翰睡着了,推他一下吧!
- I had to give a speech to the press club. 我得向记者俱乐部发表演说。
- Can you give a detailed account of the equipment? 你能详细介绍一下设备的情况吗?
- That was meant to be a dig at me. 那是对我的挖苦。
- Prof. Smith give a crisp speech yesterday. 昨天,史密斯教授作了一个简明扼要的讲话。
- The inquiry give a ruling on the case. 经过调查,已对此案作出裁决。
- I gave him a dig in the ribs with my elbow. 我用胳膊肘碰了碰他的胸口,叫他注意。
- The new Pope will give a speech tomorrow. 新教皇明天将发表演讲。
- His comedy is more like a dig in the ribs. 看他的喜剧就像挠我的肋骨一样,让我忍俊不禁。
- Will this paint give a gloss or a matt finish? 这种颜料有无光泽?
- He gave a description of what he had seen. 他描述了他所见到的一切。
- She takes a dig at me every chance she gets. 她一有机会就挖苦我。
- Stop flannelling and give a straight answer! 别再兜圈子了,直截了当地回答!
- I don't give a hoot what you think. 我根本不在乎你怎么想
- They gave him a dig about his meanness. 他们在挖苦他吝啬。
- Was that a dig, he asked himself? “那是挖苦吗”他不禁问自己。
- He doesn't give a fuck about anyone else. 他对别人毫不关心。
- I'm quite sure that Sam wasn't having a dig at me. 我很肯定萨姆不是在挖苦我。
- He doesn't give a shit about anybody else. 他对别人漠不关心。
- She is asked to give a performance. 有人请她表演个节目。