- Does seniority give one the right to command? 难道年长资深就有权发号施令吗?
- They announced that she would give one extra song. 他们宣布说她将再唱一首歌。
- Jane Austen’s view of life is a totally realistic one. 简.;奥斯汀对生活抱有完全的现实主义
- His untidy clothes give one a misguided impression of him. 他衣冠不整往往给人一种假象。
- The fourth is Piao Qijia"s view about "real poem". 第四是朴齐家关于“真诗”的主张。
- We ask for a room with a sea view and is give one look out over the bus depot. 我们要求租一间面向海港景观的客房,但饭店给我们安排了一间对着公共汽车站的 房间。
- Do you really think Morgan ' s view is acceptable ? 你真的认为摩根的观点是可接受的吗?
- Exercises give one a good appetite. 运动增进食欲。
- Lewis Coser, Men of Ideas: A Sociologist"s View. 尽管他们的遭遇、经历和社会实践与布迪厄不同,但就言行一致、我行我知而论,他们其实又何尝不能说都是属于同一群体的知识分子。
- One 's views broaden at college. 人的视野在大学开阔了。
- That gave one sense of lightness. 它给人一种轻松感。
- You must give one month's notice. 你必须一个月前发出通知。
- Give one of these rural area project ideas a try. 不妨试试以下这些乡村计画。
- Does seniority give one the right to command?. 难道年长资深就有权发号施令吗?.
- Art songs by Schubert give one sensuous pleasure. 舒伯特的艺术歌曲给人以美感。
- So today’s view of evolution is much more nuanced than his. 更令人印象深刻的是:他并不害怕把他的想法应用于人类范畴。
- Beggars: "Can I give one hundred dollars? 乞丐:“能不能给我一百块钱?
- In Buddhism?s view,the Oedipus Complex isn?t the cause of psychological problems,but is a strong secondary one. 依佛家 (Buddhism)的看法 ,俄狄浦斯情结并不是心理问题的根本始因 ,它只是一个强而有力的增上因。
- Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one satisfaction. 观赏一幅美丽的图画使人心满意足。
- In SuShi"s view,only through constant practice between phenomenon and noumenon can people combine two into one. 苏轼认为,只有在具体实践中,人们才可能做到与道合一,达到高妙的境界。