- ginkgo tree dermatitis 白果树皮炎
- I know there are Meiling Avenue ginkgo tree ... 我知道美菱大道有银杏树...
- There are such huge ginkgo trees here! 这里有这么大的银杏树!
- In the tree garden, one can find 319 types of plants species such as Cycas revoluta, ginkgo tree, Chinese dove tree, etc. 树木园移植栽种植物319种,有苏铁、银杏、金钱松、秃杉、华盖木、珙桐等珍品;
- In the tree garden,one can find 319 types of plants species such as Cycas revoluta,ginkgo tree,Chinese dove tree,etc. 树木园移植栽种植物319种,有苏铁、银杏、金钱松、秃杉、华盖木、珙桐等珍品。
- The research results showed that there exists the normal microsporangia and epiphyUous microsporangia on epiphyllous microsporangia Ginkgo tree. 叶生小孢子囊雄株有正常小孢子囊和叶生小孢子囊两种类型。
- Walled-like array Xianci people are scared of a ginkgo tree at a busy kowtowing Zuo Yi, Hu called to-day, and God bless. 寨民们见此阵状,吓得一个个忙对着银杏树作揖叩头,呼天叫地,求苍天保佑。
- My exclamation was awakened sleeping mother ginkgo tree, it has nearly 200 years old, but still stand out straight in the campus. 我的惊叫惊醒了正在睡梦中的银杏树妈妈,它已经将近有200岁了,却依然笔直的挺立在校园里。
- Quietly, I came to ginkgo tree. 悄悄地,我来到银杏树下。
- Shanghai long Qingdao begins construction long road, how do from inside cropland course ginkgo tree and vegetable ask next commerce value and resettlement value calculate, how much can cardinal principle compensate? 上海长青岛动工修路,从田地经过里面有银杏树及蔬菜问下商业价值和动迁价值是怎么算的,大体可以补偿多少?
- "Having said that he would whisk to 7 refers to a ginkgo tree, only 7 ginkgo trees immediately show the" human Zhangjiajie in Wonderland, "the seven Jin Cancan Chinese characters. 说罢,他将拂尘往七棵银杏树上一指,只见七棵银杏树上立即现出了“人间仙境张家界”七个金灿灿的大字。
- The nut characters of 32 old Ginkgo trees (Ginkgo biloba L.) from Ninghua county of Fujian province were studied. 摘要以福建省宁化县32株古银杏树当年生种核为研究材料,对种核的特征进行了系统的研究。
- The female ginkgo trees were treated with paclobutra zol,B9,GA3,GA3+6-BA respectively during flowering period. 盛花期对银杏雌株叶面喷施多效唑、B9、GA3、GA3+6-BA。
- This is the Jinn Celebrity Forest .In the forest, the tall ginkgo trees and the lofty cedars symbolize the countless celebrities appeared in the long history of China . 林中高大挺拔的银杏树,傲然耸立的雪松,象征着中国悠久历史长河中涌现出的一位位济南名士。
- Officials reached a similar conclusion in Easton, Pa., where ginkgo trees were removed last year after complaints about seed shells raining on cars and pedestrians. 宾州的伊斯顿市也做出类似决定,他们去年将市内的银杏树砍除,因为民众抱怨,果壳就像下雨一样,落在车上和行人头上。
- In this paper, seed samples were collected from 134 ancient Ginkgo trees in Suizhou and Anlu and the seed nucleus characteristics and nutritional components content were analyzed. 本研究从随州和安陆共采集了134株古银杏的种子样品,对其种核特征和种仁营养成分两个方面进行了初步研究。
- As the car hit the tree he was snot out. 汽车扭在村上,他被猛地摔了出来。
- Our long-term supply of plant nurseries, 2 - 60 cm of Health ginkgo tree is 1-50 cm ginkgo tree grafting. The supply of international standards Ginkgo biloba fruit and other native trees. 我们苗圃厂长期供应,2--60公分银杏实生树,1-50公分银杏嫁接树。供应国际标准的银杏叶果,以及其他乡土树种。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。