- Calvin is a very gifted student. 亦儒在学校里可是高材生呢。
- She is a mathematically gifted student. 她是一个很有数学天分的学生。
- They should enroll as many gifted students as possible. 它们应该尽可能多地招收天才学生,文章无信息支持。
- George was a gifted student in science and technology. 乔治在理工科方面是个很有天赋的学生。
- The teacher steered the gifted students towards the more challenging courses. 老师指导有天分的学生学习更有挑战性的课程。
- Talented teachers and gifted students, are still as scarce (and refreshing) as rain in the desert. 有才能的老师和天赋较高的学生,仍象沙漠里的甘霖那样,能令人精神为之一爽,都又稀缺得可怜。
- Either you or the headmaster is to hand out the prizes to these gifted students at the meeting. 计划让你或者是校长在会上给这些有才华的学生颁发奖品。
- Talented teachers and gifted students, are still as scarce(and refreshing)as rain in the desert. 有才能的老师和天赋较高的学生,仍象沙漠里的甘霖那样,能令人精神为之一振,都又稀缺得可怜。
- Otey,J. W. (1978), Identification of Gifted Students, Psy. in the School, 15(1), -. 汪荣才(1980);发展资赋优异学生创造能力策略;国教司资优儿童教育实验丛书;(6);-.
- The most gifted students, for example, may need a curriculum enriched and accelerated beyond even the needs of other students of high ability. 拿最有天份的学生来说,他们可能需要浓缩的快速的课程,这种需要也许要超越其它高能力的学生。
- And the report says gifted students who can move through the material much faster than others should be permitted to do so. 报告还指出,那些通过教学材料就能比其他同学进步快的有天赋的学生应该允许使用。
- In February lastyear, Liu Jie was chosen to the "gifted students' team" in anAmerica newspaper in 2006, and became the one of the top 20 students. 在去年2月,刘洁又入选了由一家报社主办的2006年“全美大学绩优学生队”,成为成绩最佳的20名学生之一。
- A case study of an artistically gifted student with learning disability on the performance of WISC-III. 发表于台湾师大第五届华人心理与教育测验学术研讨会。
- Given the lack of fit between gifted students and their schools, it is not surprising that such students often have little good to say about their school experiences. 考虑到天才学生与学校之间不和谐的关系,这些学生对他们的学校经历没有什么好话说就不奇怪了。第一句揭示主题,探讨了天才学生的成长与学校教育的关系。
- The programs and suggestions described here demonstrate that what highly gifted students need most are good mentors to serve as guides as they navigate complex subject matter. 本文所叙述的计划和建议显示极具天赋的学生最需要的是,当他们探究难解的课题时,有好的导师给予指导。
- Scruggs, Thomas E.;Mastropieri, M.A.;Monson, J.;&Jorgenson, C. 1985, "Maximizing what gifted students can learn: Recent findings of learning strategy research. 主要代理已被中国期刊网、万方数据库全文收录的核心期刊,国家级、省级重点期刊的学术论文征稿。
- Some gifted students are so good at deciphering a character by taking it apart that they can figure out what western civilization and Chinese civilization happen to share. 有些无师自通的“拆字家”甚至能从汉字中窥知中西两种文明暗合的内容。
- University instructors soon recognized Zonjic as a gifted student and recruited the second flutist of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra as a teacher for their promising scholar. “我把学习长笛视作一项挑战,却发现自己立刻对它产生的强烈的激情和无限的向往。
- When highly gifted students in any domain talk about what was important to the development of their abilities,they are far more likely to mention their families than their schools or teachers. 当高天赋的学生谈论到在影响范围方面对他们能力发展重要的东西时,他们可能提及他们的家庭比他们学校和老师更多。
- The living is in the gift of the squire. 地主有安排牧师奉禄之权。