- The captain ordered two flags to be placed fore and aft. 船长吩咐在船头和船尾各挂一面旗子。
- The living is in the gift of the squire. 地主有安排牧师奉禄之权。
- The captain upbraid his men for falling asleep. 上尉因他的部下睡着了而斥责他们。
- The captain led our team to victory. 队长带领我们队取得了胜利。
- The captain reiterated the command to us. 上尉对我们重申了那项命令。
- I'd like you to take this bracelet as a gift. 我希望你把这手镯礼物收下。
- He was appointed captain of a company of rifles. 他被任命为步枪连连长。
- A pianist gifted with technical wizardry. 有专业技巧的天才钢琴家
- He was gifted with a good voice. 他天生一个好嗓子。
- Martin Gatt is a gifted bassoonist. 马丁盖特是个有才华的巴人松管演奏者。
- A captain is inferior to a major. 上尉的级别低於少校。
- This Scottish plant was a gift from my cousin. 这棵苏格兰植物是我的一个表亲给我的礼物。
- Spring to attention when the captain enters. 上尉一进来,就要迅速立正站好。
- The captain told the sailors to go below. 船长叫水手们下到舱里去。
- The captain was recalled from the front line. 这个上尉被从前线召了回来。
- He is endowed with a gift in music by nature. 他天生有音乐才能。
- The captain's cheerful laugh dispelled our fears. 船长愉快的笑声消除了我们的恐惧。
- Many thanks for the lovely gift. 十分感谢你可爱的礼品。
- Sebastian became captain in place of Miles who had broken his leg. 迈尔斯的腿骨折了,塞巴斯蒂安代替他当了船长。
- The gift came as a complete surprise (to me). 这件礼物完全出乎(我的)意料。