- Thank you for your gift and kindness. 谢谢您的赠礼和祝贺。
- Take this gift and use to complete your quest. 拿上这武器,使用它来完成你的使命。”
- That was his gift and his strength. 那就是他的天才,他的力量。
- Each chooses its gift and its patron. 每个种族选择他们的天赋和守护神。
- Christmas crackers with a gift and a riddle inside. 里面装有礼物和谜语的圣诞彩包爆竹。
- Mary thanks for your gift and kindness. 多谢你的礼物。
- gift and reciprocity 礼物与互惠
- Please accept this gift and my gratitude. 谨致薄礼,聊表谢意。
- Well,this one is a gift and the other is for my own use. 嗯,这一件是礼物,而另一件是我自己要用的。
- The taxes are a voluntary gift and grant of Commons alone. 税租是自愿捐献的赠款,惟有下议院才能接受。
- Well, this one is a gift and the other is for my own use. 嗯,这一件是礼物,而另一件是我自己要用的。
- The demon master caught the gift and studied it dubiously. 魔主拿住了礼物,又半信半疑地看了看它。
- When he moves he stirs them and reciprocally. 当他活动时,引起别人的活动;别人活动时,也引起他的活动。
- Ok.Please wrap it as a gift and attach a ribbon to it. 好吧。请给我包装成礼物,并系上蝴蝶结。
- Elites always detest gifted and nimble outsiders. 社会名流对天赋聪明、多才多艺的局外人一向嫌恶。
- Reciprocity includes more than gifts and favors; it also applies to concessions that people make to one another. 互惠不仅仅包括礼物和优待;它对人们之间互相作出的让步也同样适用。
- Isn't the admiration and reciprocate to you with my heart? 不是对你用心的感叹与报答吗?
- Being overjoyed, he took out the gift and carefully handed it over to his wife. 他趁着兴致勃发的时候,拿出礼物,小心地递给妻子。
- Thousands of gifts and flowers were sent to Kansas. 数以千计的礼物和鲜花被送到堪萨斯州。